1First-class — a. Of the best class; of the highest rank; in the first division; of the best quality; first rate; as, a first class telescope. [1913 Webster] {First class car} or {First class railway carriage}, any passenger car of the highest regular class, a …
2First class — The term First class (or 1st class, Firstclass) generally implies a high level of service, importance or quality. Specific uses of the term include:* First class travel ** First class (aviation) * First Class mail * First class cricket * First… …
3first-class(1) — {adj.} 1. Of the highest class or best kind; excellent; first rate. * /Jane did a first class job of repairing the coat./ * /It was a first class TV program./ Compare: TOP NOTCH. 2. Of the best or most expensive class of travelling. * /Mr. Jones… …
4first-class(1) — {adj.} 1. Of the highest class or best kind; excellent; first rate. * /Jane did a first class job of repairing the coat./ * /It was a first class TV program./ Compare: TOP NOTCH. 2. Of the best or most expensive class of travelling. * /Mr. Jones… …
5first class — {n.} 1. The first rank; the highest class; the best group. * /The pianist was quite good but he was not in the first class./ 2. The most expensive or comfortable class of travel; the best or one of the best groups in which to travel, especially… …
6first class — {n.} 1. The first rank; the highest class; the best group. * /The pianist was quite good but he was not in the first class./ 2. The most expensive or comfortable class of travel; the best or one of the best groups in which to travel, especially… …
7first-class — adjective Date: circa 1838 1. of or relating to first class 2. of the highest quality < a first class meal > • first class adverb …
8first-class(2) — {adv.} With the best material; in the best or most expensive way. * /When Mr. Van Smith goes anywhere he always travels first class./ * / How did you send the package? First class. / …
9first-class(2) — {adv.} With the best material; in the best or most expensive way. * /When Mr. Van Smith goes anywhere he always travels first class./ * / How did you send the package? First class. / …
10First-class cricket — refers to the class of cricket matches of three or more days scheduled duration, between two sides of eleven players and officially adjudged first class by virtue of the standard of the competing teams. Matches must allow for the teams to play… …