travel over

  • 21Over There (TV series) — Over There Over There s intertitle Genre Action Drama War Created by …


  • 22Over There (Fringe) — Over There Fringe episode …


  • 23Travel Xpress — (Bawaleshi,Гана) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: PO Box ct 1557 Cantenments …

    Каталог отелей

  • 24Over the Hills and Far Away (traditional) — Over the Hills and Far Away is a traditional English song, dating back to at least the early 1700s. One version was published in Thomas D Urfey s Pills to Purge Melancholy in 1706, a very different one appeared in George Farquhar s play The… …


  • 25Travel — Trav el, v. t. 1. To journey over; to traverse; as, to travel the continent. I travel this profound. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To force to journey. [R.] [1913 Webster] They shall not be traveled forth of their own franchises. Spenser. [1913… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 26Over My Dead Bodyguard — Sledge Hammer! episode Episode no. Season 1 Episode 8 Directed by Charles S. Dubin Written by …


  • 27over-the-top — [ō′vər thə täp′] adj. so unconventional, exaggerated, or excessive as to be considered outrageous, unbelievable, ridiculous, etc. * * * o·ver the top (ōʹvər thə tŏpʹ) adj. Exceeding the normal bounds; immoderate; extravagant: “The hotel pours it… …


  • 28travel — [trav′əl] vi. traveled or travelled, traveling or travelling [var. of TRAVAIL] 1. to go from one place to another; make a journey or journeys 2. to go from place to place as a traveling salesman 3. to walk or run 4. to move, pass, or be t …

    English World dictionary

  • 29Travel trailer — A travel trailer or caravan is a trailer towed behind a road vehicle to provide a place to sleep which is more comfortable and protected than a tent (although there are fold down tent trailers). [ [ Folding …


  • 30travel — ▪ I. travel trav‧el 1 [ˈtrævl] noun [uncountable] TRAVEL the activity of going from one place to another, or to several different places, by air, road, rail etc: • The drop in revenue reflected lower levels of domestic travel (= within your own… …

    Financial and business terms