spiral ornament

  • 1Ornament (Bildende Kunst) — Ornament, sog. Eierstab, an einem Fries der Nikolaikirche Leipzig Ein Ornament (von lat. ornare, schmücken, zieren ) ist ein meist sich wiederholendes, oft abstraktes oder abstrahiertes Muster. Man findet Ornamente z. B. als Verzierung auf… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 2Ornament — Eierstab Ornament an einem Fries der Nikolaikirche Leipzig Au …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 3spiral — spirality /spuy ral i tee/, n. spirally, adv. /spuy reuhl/, n., adj., v., spiraled, spiraling or (esp. Brit.) spiralled, spiralling. n. 1. Geom. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or… …


  • 4minoisches Kunsthandwerk: Natur und Ornament —   Die Herausbildung einer vom Palast geprägten politischen Ordnung, verbunden mit der Entstehung neuer gesellschaftlicher Eliten, führte bald nach 2000 v. Chr. zu einer grundlegenden Wandlung des minoischen Kunsthandwerks. Die führenden… …


  • 5Sutton Hoo — restored). Although based on helmets of the spangenhelm type, the immediate comparisons are with contemporary Vendel Age helmets from eastern Sweden.] Sutton Hoo near Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, is the site of two Anglo Saxon cemeteries of the… …


  • 6Hanging bowl — The hanging bowls are among the most beautiful and enigmatic artifacts of the British Dark Ages, that is, the period between the departure of the Roman government and military in c. 410 AD and the emergence of the Christian Anglo Saxon kingdoms… …


  • 7Oxygyrus keraudrenii — Temporal range: Pliocene Recent[1] Apical view of the shell of Oxygyrus keraudrenii from the Pliocene Epoch …


  • 8volute — voluted, adj. volution, n. /veuh looht /, n. 1. a spiral or twisted formation or object. 2. Archit. a spiral ornament, found esp. in the capitals of the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders. 3. Carpentry. a horizontal scrolled termination to… …


  • 9volute — 1690s, spiral ornament on an Ionic capital, from Fr. volute, from It. voluta, from L. voluta a spiral scroll, originally fem. pp. of volvere to turn around, roll (see VULVA (Cf. vulva)). Extended 1756 to any spiral thing or part. As a type of… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 10Regional characteristics of Romanesque architecture — Romanesque architecture is the term that is used to describe the architecture of Europe which emerged in the late 10th century and evolved into the Gothic style during the 12th century. The Romanesque style in England is more traditionally… …
