put fetters on

  • 131man|a|cle — «MAN uh kuhl», noun, verb, cled, cling. –n. 1. Often, manacles. a handcuff; fetter for the hands: »We ll put you…in manacles, Then reason safely with you (Shakespeare). 2. Figurative. anything that fetters; restraint: » …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 132DAY OF ATONEMENT — (Heb. יוֹם הכִּפּוּרִים, Yom ha Kippurim), one of the appointed seasons of the Lord, holy convocations, a day of fasting and atonement, occurring on the Tenth of Tishri. It is the climax of the ten days of penitence and the most important day in… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism