pus on

  • 51pus — s f o m Líquido espeso, generalmente de color amarillento o verdoso, que segregan los tejidos inflamados y las heridas infectadas: salir el pus, Hay que sacar la pus y lavar bien …

    Español en México

  • 52pus — ISO 639 3 Code of Language ISO 639 2/B Code : pus ISO 639 2/T Code : pus ISO 639 1 Code : ps Scope : Macrolanguage Language Type : Living Language Name : Pushto Individual languages : Identifier : pbt Name: Southern Pashto …

    Names of Languages ISO 639-3

  • 53pus — [[t]pʌs[/t]] n. pat a yellow white, more or less viscid substance produced by suppuration and found in abscesses, sores, etc., consisting of a liquid plasma in which white blood cells are suspended • Etymology: 1535–45; < L; akin to Gk pýon… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 54pus — noun Etymology: Latin pur , pus more at foul Date: 15th century thick opaque usually yellowish white fluid matter formed by suppuration and composed of exudate containing white blood cells, tissue debris, and microorganisms …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 55PUS — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg Presses universitaires du Septentrion Voir aussi Pus Catégories : HomonymieSigle de 3 caractères …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 56pus — campus pus …

    Dictionnaire des rimes

  • 57pus — {{hw}}{{pus}}{{/hw}}s. m. Essudato che si forma nei tessuti in seguito a un processo infiammatorio, costituito spec. da globuli bianchi in degenerazione; SIN. (pop.) Marcia. ETIMOLOGIA: dal lat. pus, puris ‘marciume’ …

    Enciclopedia di italiano

  • 58pus — 1. is., mat., Fr. pouce İnç 2. is. 1) Görüş uzaklığını çok azaltmayan bir tür hafif sis Ortalığa ilk pus düşer düşmez dönüş saatini sezmiş gibi köy yönüne geçti ve bekledi. A. Sayar 2) Bazı meyvelerin üzerinde oluşan, zamk veya sakıza benzeyen… …

    Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • 59Pus — Pu̱s [aus gleichbed. lat. pus, Gen.: puris] s; , Pu̱ra: = Eiter. Pu̱s bo̱num et lauda̱bile: “guter und wohllöblicher Eiter“, Bez. für einen rahmigen und nicht übelriechenden Eiter, der die rasche Heilung eines Krankheitsprozesses erwarten läßt …

    Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • 60pus — [[t]pʌ̱s[/t]] N UNCOUNT Pus is a thick yellowish liquid that forms in wounds when they are infected …

    English dictionary