poor lank
1poor — I. a. 1. Indigent, needy, necessitous, pinched, straitened. 2. Penniless, moneyless, impecunious, destitute, distressed, poverty stricken, seedy, reduced, short of money, out of money, without a penny, out of pocket, out of cash, out at the… …
2poor — adj 1. destitute, poverty stricken, impoverished, penurious, impecunious, beggared, pauperized; penniless, indigent, poor as Job s turkey, needy, necessitous, bad off, badly off; pinched, straitened, distressed, Inf. strapped, Inf. up against it …
3meagre — a. 1. Lean, thin, emaciated, spare, poor lank, gaunt, skinny. 2. Barren, poor, sterile, unproductive. 3. Tame, feeble, jejune, vapid, bald, barren, dull, prosing, prosy, poor, mean, insignificant, small, scanty …
4spare — I. v. a. 1. Reserve, save, lay by, lay aside, set apart, set aside. 2. Dispense with, do without, part with. 3. Withhold, omit, forbear, refrain from. 4. Withhold from, keep from. 5. Give, grant, afford, allow, give up. 6. Preserve (from anything …
5Broncho Billy Anderson — Données clés Naissance 21 mars  …
6Gilbert Anderson — Broncho Billy Anderson Broncho Billy Anderson Broncho Billy Anderson est un réalisateur, acteur, producteur et scénariste américain né le 21 mars 1880 à Little Rock, Arkansas (États Unis), décédé le 20 janvier 1971 à Los Angeles (États Unis) …
7meager — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. spare, scanty, sparse, poor; lean, gaunt. See insufficiency, narrowness. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Thin] Syn. lank, lanky, gaunt, starved, emaciated, lean, bony, slender, slim, spare, little,… …
8Civil parishes in Cornwall — A map of Cornwall (Cornish: Kernow); the Isles of Scilly (Cornish: Enesek Syllan) are in the extreme bottom left. A civil parish is a subnational entity, forming the lowest unit of local government in Engla …
9thin — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. slender, lean, narrow (see narrowness); watery, weak, di luted; attenuated; faint, dim, threadlike; fine, delicate; poor, lame (as an excuse); flimsy, sheer, filmy. See rarity, weakness,… …
10curling — /kerr ling/, n. a game played on ice in which two teams of four players each compete in sliding large stones toward a mark in the center of a circle. Cf. house (def. 20). [1610 20; perh. CURL + ING1, from the motion imparted to the sliding… …