
  • 131wa|ver — wav|er1 «WAY vuhr», noun. a person or thing that waves. wa|ver2 «WAY vuhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to move to and fro; flutter. 2. to vary in intensity; flicker: »a wavering light. 3. to grow fainter, then louder, or change pitch up and down fairly …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 132jager — German sharpshooter, 1776, from Ger. jäger, lit. huntsman, from jagen to hunt, from O.H.G. jagon, related to O.Fris. jagia, Du. jagen to hunt, O.N. jaga to drive, to move to and fro (see YACHT (Cf. yacht)). Applied to riflemen and sharpshooters… …

    Etymology dictionary