make compact

  • 71ram — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ramm; akin to Old High German ram Date: before 12th century 1. a. a male sheep b. capitalized Aries 2. a. battering ram b. a warship with a heav …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 72Moisture — Damp redirects here. For other uses, see Damp (disambiguation). Dew on a spider web Humidity is the amount of moisture the air can hold before it rains. Moisture refers to the presence of a liquid, especially water, often in trace amounts. Small… …


  • 73stel- — To put, stand; with derivatives referring to a standing object or place. Derivatives include apostle, stallion, pedestal, stilt, and stout. I. Basic form *stel . 1. Suffixed form *stel ni . still1, from Old English st …


  • 74chock — tʃɒk n. wedge; metal fitting for towing or mooring v. secure with a wedge or block; compress, make compact adj. full; overflowing; packed …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 75chocked — tʃɒk n. wedge; metal fitting for towing or mooring v. secure with a wedge or block; compress, make compact adj. full; overflowing; packed …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 76chocking — tʃɒk n. wedge; metal fitting for towing or mooring v. secure with a wedge or block; compress, make compact adj. full; overflowing; packed …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 77chocks — tʃɒk n. wedge; metal fitting for towing or mooring v. secure with a wedge or block; compress, make compact adj. full; overflowing; packed …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 78betroth — [v] marry affiance, become engaged, bind, commit, contract, engage, espouse, give one’s hand, make compact, plight faith, plight troth, promise, tie oneself to, vow; concept 297 Ant. divorce, leave, separate …

    New thesaurus

  • 79со стороны нагрузки — [Интент] Параллельные тексты EN RU Downstream breaker. [LS Industrial Systems] Автоматический выключатель, расположенный со стороны нагрузки. [Перевод Интент] Downstream connections. [LS Industrial Systems] Зажимы для присоединения проводников,… …

    Справочник технического переводчика

  • 80fold — 1. v. & n. v. 1 tr. a bend or close (a flexible thing) over upon itself. b (foll. by back, over, down) bend a part of (a flexible thing) in the manner specified (fold down the flap). 2 intr. become or be able to be folded. 3 tr. (foll. by away,… …

    Useful english dictionary