indifferent quality

  • 41Stoicism — Stoicism1 Brad Inwood 1 FROM SOCRATES TO ZENO More than eighty years passed between the death of Socrates in 399 BC and the arrival in Athens of Zeno in 312. Athenian society had undergone enormous upheavals, both political and social. The Greek… …

    History of philosophy

  • 42literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… …


  • 43neutral — adj Neutral, negative, indifferent are comparable when they mean lacking decisiveness or distinctiveness in character, quality, action, or effect. Neutral, in one of its earliest and still common senses, applies to states, governments, parties,… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 44novel — novel1 novellike, adj. /nov euhl/, n. 1. a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential organization of action and scenes. 2. (formerly) novella (def. 1). [1560 70; <&#8230; …


  • 45Use value — In Marx s critique of political economy, any labor product has a value and a use value, and if it is traded as a commodity in markets, it additionally has an exchange value, most often expressed as a money price. Marx acknowledges that&#8230; …


  • 46medium# — medium n *mean, instrument, instrumentality, agent, agency, organ, vehicle, channel medium adj Medium, middling, mediocre, second rate, moderate, average, fair, indifferent mean midway, or about midway, between the extremes of a scale or&#8230; …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 47biblical literature — Introduction       four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha.       The Old&#8230; …


  • 48British moralists of the eighteenth century: Shaftesbury, Butler and Price — David McNaughton In this chapter I discuss the moral theories of three influential writers: Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury (1671–1713); Joseph Butler (1692–1752) and Richard Price (1723–91). All three wrote extensively on issues …

    History of philosophy

  • 49Merit — • By merit (meritum) in general is understood that property of a good work which entitles the doer to receive a reward from him in whose service the work is done Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Merit     Merit …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 50in|dif|fer|ent — «ihn DIHF uhr uhnt, DIHF ruhnt», adjective. 1. not caring one way or the other; having or showing no interest: »indifferent to an admirer. I enjoyed the trip but she was indifferent. SYNONYM(S): apathetic, unconcerned. 2. impartial; neutral;&#8230; …

    Useful english dictionary