incur expense

  • 81Portfolio Turnover — A measure of how frequently assets within a fund are bought and sold by the managers. Portfolio turnover is calculated by taking either the total amount of new securities purchased or the amount of securities sold whichever is less over a… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 82Marxism (Philosophies of) — Philosophies of Marxism Lenin, Lukács, Gramsci, Althusser Michael Kelly INTRODUCTION Marxist philosophy can be seen as a struggle with Hegel or a struggle with capitalism, that is, as an intellectual or a political movement. Neither of these… …

    History of philosophy

  • 83afford — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. manage, bear; supply, yield, produce; make available, furnish. See giving, provision. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To give] Syn. provide, furnish, yield; see produce 1 . 2. [To be in a position to buy or …

    English dictionary for students

  • 84sacrifice — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. oblation, offering, hecatomb, holocaust; immolation, self denial. v. t. renounce, give up; immolate. See giving, idolatry, atonement, destruction. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [An offering to a deity] Syn.… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 85charge — [[t]tʃɑrdʒ[/t]] v. charged, charg•ing, n. 1) to impose or ask as a price or fee 2) to ask a price or fee of (someone): Did he charge you for it?[/ex] 3) to defer payment for (a purchase) until a bill is rendered by the creditor: to charge a… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 86run — v. & n. v. (running; past ran; past part. run) 1 intr. go with quick steps on alternate feet, never having both or all feet on the ground at the same time. 2 intr. flee, abscond. 3 intr. go or travel hurriedly, briefly, etc. 4 intr. a advance by… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 87Arbitrage — For the upcoming film, see Arbitrage (film). Not to be confused with Arbitration. In economics and finance, arbitrage (IPA: /ˈɑrbɨtrɑːʒ/) is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a… …


  • 88Mediation — For the Wikipedia mediation process for resolving disputes, see Wikipedia:Mediation. For other uses, see Mediation (disambiguation) …


  • 89Cost accounting — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts  …


  • 90Public school — The term public school has two distinct (and virtually opposite) meanings depending on the location of usage: * in the United States, Australia and Canada: A school funded from tax revenue and most commonly administered to some degree by… …
