
  • 101soak — I. v. a. 1. Steep, macerate, imbrue. 2. Drench, wet, saturate. 3. Penetrate, work through. 4. Imbibe, absorb. II. v. n. Steep, be soaked …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 102steep — I. a. Precipitous, abrupt. II. n. Precipice, abrupt declivity. III. v. a. Soak, macerate, imbrue, drench, digest, imbue …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 103stain — 1. verb 1) her clothing was stained with blood Syn: discolor, blemish, soil, mark, muddy, spot, spatter, splatter, smear, splash, smudge, blotch, blacken; literary imbrue 2) the report stained his reputation …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 104implant — v 1. instill, insinuate, inject, inculcate, introduce, inoculate, indoctrinate; train, teach, imprint, impress. 2. influence, inspire, impregnate, imbue, imbrue, move. 3. imbed, root, insert, inlay, set in …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 105impregnate — v 1. inseminate, make pregnant, get with child or young, Sl. knock up; fertilize, fructify, make fruitful, fecundate; beget, create, procreate, engender, generate. 2. permeate, spread throughout, overspread, fill, suffuse, imbue, imbrue; soak,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 106infiltrate — v 1. pervade, permeate, interpenetrate, soak into, saturate, imbue, imbrue; percolate, filter through, seep, moisten, dampen. 2. intrude, slip or sneak in, creep into, invade, get behind the lines, get into the enemy camp, insinuate, penetrate …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 107ingrain — v 1. fix, infix, implant, introduce, instill, inculcate, insinuate, inject; train, teach, imprint, impress, rivet, indoctrinate; influence, inspire, imbue, imbrue, move. 2. impregnate, permeate, saturate, tincture, infuse, penetrate, soak. 3.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 108saturate — v 1. soak, drench, wet through, sop, souse, waterlog, suffuse; ret, steep. 2. impregnate, ingrain, infuse, instill; permeate, penetrate, pervade, imbue, shoot through, imbrue; fill, charge, surfeit, glut, sate, satiate …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 109soak — v 1. saturate, drench, imbrue, immerse, souse, sop, wet, wet down; steep, seethe, marinate, ret. 2. permeate, pervade, riddle, infuse, penetrate, imbue, charge. 3. soak through seep, leak, drip, dampen; infiltrate, pass through, come through …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 110stain — n 1. discoloration, spot, speck, mark, macu lation, dot; patch, blotch, splotch, daub; smudge, smutch, smut, smirch, smear, blur; soil, dirt; flaw, imperfection, defacement, disfigurement, fault, defect. 2. blemish, taint, attaint, blot, blot on… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder