good for one's advantage

  • 41GOOD AND EVIL — In the Bible A major corollary of the Jewish belief in the One God is that, seen in its totality, life is good. Viewing the cosmos as it emerged from chaos, God said, It is good (Gen. 1:10). In a monotheistic world view, a persistent problem is… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 42one — 1 /wVn/ number 1 the number one: one hundred and twenty one pounds ( 121) | The answer is on page forty one. | Can I have one coffee and two milkshakes please? 2 one or two a small number of people or things: There are one or two things to sort… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 43advantage*/*/ — [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] noun 1) [C/U] something that makes one person or thing more likely to succeed than others Syn: benefit the advantages of a good education[/ex] Her teaching experience gives her an advantage when working with children.[/ex] It would… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 44one */*/*/ — UK [wʌn] / US determiner, number, pronoun Summary: One can be used in the following ways: as a number: We have only one child. ♦ How much does one pound of apples cost? as a determiner: He grew roses on one side of his garden, and vegetables on… …

    English dictionary

  • 45good*/*/*/ — [gʊd] (comparative better [ˈbetə] ; superlative best [best] ) adj I 1) of a high quality or standard We saw a really good film last night.[/ex] They were all dressed in their best clothes.[/ex] How good is his English?[/ex] 2) able to do… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 46One-Shot Entanglement-Enhanced Classical Communication — In the theory of quantum communication, it is well known that entanglement cannot increase the capacity of a classical communication channel in the sense of Shannon, that is, for an i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed) protocol.… …


  • 47one — one1 W1S1 [wʌn] number 1.) the number 1 ▪ They had one daughter. ▪ one hundred and twenty one pounds ▪ Come back at one (=one o clock) . ▪ Katie s almost one (=one year old) . 2.) one or two a small number of people or things = ↑a few ▪ There ar …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 48One Nation (Australia) — Not to be confused with the One Nation program of infrastructure works carried out from 1991 to 1996 by the Keating Labor Government. One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson (1997–2003) …


  • 49good — Synonyms and related words: Christian, Christlike, Christly, Daedalian, God fearing, OK, Roger, Sunday, able to pay, absolutely, acceptable, accomplished, according to Hoyle, ace, actual, adept, adequate, admirable, admissible, adroit, advantage …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 50good — {{11}}good (adj.) O.E. god (with a long o ) virtuous; desirable; valid; considerable, probably originally having the right or desirable quality, from P.Gmc. *gothaz (Cf. O.N. goðr, Du. goed, O.H.G. guot, Ger. gut, Goth. goþs), originally fit,… …

    Etymology dictionary