faded shabby

  • 81outworn — adj 1. obsolete, disused, lapsed, abandoned, discontinued, discarded, cast aside, rejected; dead, defunct, expired, extinct, wound up, prehistoric, antediluvian; retired, pensioned off, put away, laid on the shelf, neglected, gone to seed; bygone …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 82ruinuous — adj 1. devastating, disastrous, destructive, dire, dreadful, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic; wasting, wasteful, ravaging, pulverizing; disruptive, troublesome, distracting, obstreperous, unruly, subversive. 2. extirpative, annihilative,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 83threadbare — adj 1. worn, worn to a thread, worn out, shopworn, (o/ a tire) bald, napless, moth eaten, frayed, ragged; raveled, holey, in need of patches; faded; marred, damaged. 2. meager, slim, thin, lean, slight, insubstantial, small; scanty, skimpy,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 84rusty — /ˈrʌsti / (say rustee) adjective (rustier, rustiest) 1. covered or affected with rust. 2. consisting of or produced by rust. 3. of the colour of rust; rust coloured; tending towards rust. 4. faded or shabby; impaired by time or wear, as clothes,… …

  • 85bedraggled — [adj] unkempt decrepit, dilapidated, dirty, disheveled, disordered, dowdy, drenched, dripping, faded, messy, muddied, muddy, run down, seedy, shabby, sloppy, slovenly, sodden, soiled, stained, sullied, tacky, tattered, threadbare, untidy, wet;… …

    New thesaurus

  • 86derelict — [adj1] careless, negligent behindhand, delinquent, disregardful, irresponsible, lax, regardless, remiss, slack, undependable, unreliable, untrustworthy; concept 542 Ant. careful, caring derelict [adj2] deserted, forsaken abandoned, castoff,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 87dilapidated — [adj] falling apart; in ruins battered, beat up, broken down, crumbling, crumbly, crummy*, damaged, decayed, decaying, decrepit, derelict, dingy, dog eared*, faded, fallen in, impaired, in a bad way*, injured, marred, neglected, old, ramshackle,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 88dingy — [adj] soiled, tacky bedimmed, brokendown, colorless, dark, darkish, dilapidated, dim, dirty, discolored, drab, dreary, dull, dusky, faded, gloomy, grimy, muddy, murky, obscure, run down, seedy, shabby, smirched, somber, sullied, tarnished,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 89drab — [adj] dull, colorless arid, blah*, bleak, boring, brown, characterless, cheerless, desolate, dingy, dismal, dreary, dry, dull as dishwater*, faded, flat, gloomy, gray, grungy, lackluster, lusterless, muddy, murky, run down, same, shabby, somber,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 90seedy — [adj] run down, dilapidated ailing, beat up, bedraggled, crummy*, decaying, decrepit, dingy, dog eared*, down at the heel*, drooping, droopy, faded, flagging, frowzy, gone to seed*, grubby, in a bad way*, mangy, messy, neglected, old, overgrown,… …

    New thesaurus