etc. See under 1

  • 91Deiters cells etc. — Dei·ters cells, etc. (diґterz) [Otto Friedrich Karl Deiters, German anatomist, 1834–1863] see under cell, frame, nucleus, phalanx, process, and see tractus vestibulospinalis …

    Medical dictionary

  • 92Douglas septum etc. — Doug·las septum, etc. (dugґləs) [James Douglas, Scottish anatomist in London, 1675–1742] see under septum, and see excavatio rectouterina, plica rectouterina, and linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis …

    Medical dictionary

  • 93Friedreich ataxia etc. — Fried·reich ataxia, etc. (frēdґrīk) [Nikolaus Friedreich, German physician, 1825–1882] see under ataxia, foot, and sign, and see paramyoclonus multiplex …

    Medical dictionary

  • 94Henle ampulla loop etc. — Hen·le ampulla, loop, etc. (henґle) [Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle, German anatomist, 1809–1885] see under fiber, gland, layer, membrane, and reaction, and see ampulla ductus deferentis, ansa nephroni, falx inguinalis, and spina suprameatica …

    Medical dictionary

  • 95Huschke foramen (canal) etc. — Husch·ke foramen (canal), etc. (hooshґkə) [Emil Huschke, German anatomist, 1797–1858] see under foramen and see dentes acustici and plica lacrimalis …

    Medical dictionary

  • 96Kцlliker column etc. — Kцl·li·ker column, etc. (kerґlĭ kər) [Rudolf Albert von Kцlliker, Swiss anatomist in Germany, 1817–1905] see under granule, and see membrana reticularis organi spiralis, nucleus subparabrachialis, and sarcostyle …

    Medical dictionary

  • 97Luschka crypts ducts etc. — Lusch·ka crypts, ducts, etc. (l shґkah) [Hubert von Luschka, German anatomist, 1820–1875] see under crypt, duct, fiber, and joint, and see apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti, bursa pharyngealis, glomus coccygeum, ligamenta sternopericardiaca …

    Medical dictionary

  • 98Meynert cells commissure etc. — Mey·nert cells, commissure, etc. (miґnərt) [Theodor Herman Meynert, German neurologist and psychiatrist in Vienna, 1833–1892] see under cell and commissure, and see nucleus basalis telencephali and tractus habenulointerpeduncularis …

    Medical dictionary

  • 99Mikulicz angle cells etc. — Mi·ku·licz angle, cells, etc. (meґkoo lich″) [Johann von Mikulicz Radecki, Polish surgeon, 1850–1905] see under angle, cell, clamp, disease, drain, operation, pack, and syndrome, and see periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens …

    Medical dictionary

  • 100Purkinje cells fibers etc. — Pur·kin·je cells, fibers, etc. (pər kinґje) [Jan Evangelista Purkinje, Czech physiologist, 1787–1869] see under cell, fiber, figure, network, phenomenon, system, and vesicle and see stratum purkinjense corticis cerebelli …

    Medical dictionary