etc. See under 1

  • 111Arnold canal etc. — Ar·nold canal, etc. (ahrґnəld) [Philipp Friedrich Arnold, German anatomist, 1803–1890] see under canal, ligament, nerve, and syndrome …

    Medical dictionary

  • 112Bйclard amputation etc. — Bй·clard amputation, etc. (ba klahrґ) [Pierre Augustin Bйclard, French anatomist, 1785–1825] see under amputation, hernia, nucleus, sign, and triangle …

    Medical dictionary

  • 113Bezold abscess etc. — Be·zold abscess, etc. (bātґsōlt) [Friedrich Bezold, German otologist, 1842–1908] see under abscess, mastoiditis, perforation, sign, and triad …

    Medical dictionary

  • 114Cooper fascia etc. — Coo·per fascia, etc. (kooґpər) [Sir Astley Paston Cooper, English surgeon, 1768–1841] see under fascia, hernia, and ligament …

    Medical dictionary

  • 115Corrigan disease etc. — Cor·ri·gan disease, etc. (korґĭ gən) [Sir Dominic John Corrigan, Irish physician, 1802–1880] see under disease, line, and pulse …

    Medical dictionary

  • 116Gerdy fibers etc. — Ger·dy fibers, etc. (zher deґ) [Pierre Nicholas Gerdy, French surgeon, 1797–1856] see under fiber, fontanelle, loop, ligament, and tubercle …

    Medical dictionary

  • 117Kocher forceps etc. — Ko·cher forceps, etc. (koґkər) [Emil Theodor Kocher, Swiss surgeon and Nobel prize winner, 1841–1917] see under forceps, incision, maneuver, method, reflex, and sign …

    Medical dictionary

  • 118Lisfranc amputation etc. — Lis·franc amputation, etc. (lēs frahngkґ) [Jacques Lisfranc, French surgeon, 1790–1847] see under amputation, joint, ligament, and tubercle …

    Medical dictionary

  • 119Reichert cartilage etc. — Rei·chert cartilage, etc. (riґkərt) [Karl Bogislaus Reichert, German anatomist, 1811–1883] see under cartilage, recess, and scar …

    Medical dictionary

  • 120Riolan anastomosis arch etc. — Ri·o·lan anastomosis, arch, etc. (re″o lahґ) [Jean Riolan, French physician and physiologist, 1580–1657] see under anastomosis, arch, bone, muscle, nosegay, and ossicle …

    Medical dictionary