cry huzza

  • 1huzza — I. interj. Hurrah. II. n. Shout, halloo, holla, hurrah. III. v. n. Shout, cry huzza, hurrah …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 2huzza — also huzzah, 1570s, originally a sailor s shout of exaltation, encouragement, or applause. Perhaps originally a hoisting cry …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 3cry — v 1. weep, shed tears, boohoo, sob; bawl, blubber, whimper, mewl, pule, whine, snivel; moan, wail, groan, ululate; lament, mourn, bewail, keen. 2. shout, yell, Inf. holler, squall, yowl, bellow, whoop; roar, rend the air, howl; scream, shriek,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 4cry — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Loud call Nouns 1. cry, shout, call (see Verbs); vociferation, exclamation, outcry, hullabaloo, chorus, clamor, hue and cry; Bronx cheer; plaint (see lamentation); stentor (see loudness); bark, ululation …

    English dictionary for students

  • 5huzza — /hʌˈza/ (say hu zah) interjection 1. (an exclamation of exultation, applause, or the like.) –noun (plural huzzas) 2. the exclamation huzza . –verb (huzzaed, huzzaing) –verb (i) 3. to shout huzza . –verb (t) 4. to salute with huzzas: crowds… …

  • 6huzza — [hʊ zα:] (also huzzah) exclamation archaic used to express approval or delight. Origin C16: perh. used orig. as a sailor s cry when hauling …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 7The British Grenadiers — British Grenadiers in der Schlacht von Bunker Hill. Druck von Percy Moran, Quelle: Library of Congress The British Grenadiers war vom 17. bis zum 19 Jahrhundert ein Marschlied britischer Grenadiere, und ist heute einer der bekanntesten englischen …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 8hurrah — 1680s, alteration of HUZZA (Cf. huzza), similar to shouts recorded in German, Danish, Swedish. Perhaps picked up during Thirty Years War. Hurra was said to be the battle cry of Prussian soldiers during the War of Liberation (1812 13). Hooray is… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 9huz|za — «huh ZAH», interjection, noun, plural zas, verb, zaed, za|ing. –interj. a loud shout of joy, encouragement, or applause; hurrah. –n. the shout of “huzza”; hurrah. –v.i. to shout “huzza”; cheer. –v.t. to acclaim with huzzas: »Consider, for example …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 10scream — v 1. shriek, screech, screak, squeal, shrill, stridulate, Scot, and North Eng. skirl; cry out, sing out, pipe up; cry, wail, squall, yowl, squawk, yelp, bay, caterwaul, ululate. 2. roar, howl, hoot and howl, laugh one s head off, laugh until… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder