1Sense and Sensibility , Austen Jane (1992)
Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения.'Young women who have no economic or political power must attend to the serious business of contriving material… 212 руб2Delia Blanchflower , Mrs. Humphry Ward (1914)
As he almost ran to the station he was not conscious however of any of these small discomforts; his mind was full of Delia. He did not encourage anyone but Madeleine Tonbridge to talk to him about… 1315 руб3Who's Sorry Now? , Howard Jacobson (2003)
Marvin Kreitman lives for sex, or at least he lives for women. Charlie Merriweather, on the other hand, loves just the one woman, also called Charlie. Once a week, the two friends meet for a Chinese… 668 руб4Far From the Madding Crowd , Hardy Thomas (2000)
"Far from the Madding Crowd" is perhaps the most pastoral of Hardy's Wessex novels. It tells the story of the young farmer Gabriel Oak and his love for and pursuit of the elusive Bathsheba Everdene… 197 руб5Sense And Sensibility , Джейн Остин (2000)
От издателя:&# 039;Young women who have no economic or political power must attend to the serious business of contriving material security&# 039;. Jane Austen&# 039;s sardonic humour lays… 91 грн (только Украина)6Far from the Madding Crowd , Hardy Thomas (2016)
Introduction and Notes by Norman Vance, Professor of English, University of Sussex. Far from the Madding Crowd is perhaps the most pastoral of Hardy's Wessex novels. It tells the story of the young… 254 руб7Who`s Sorry Now? , Howard Jacobson (2003)
Marvin Kreitman lives for sex, or at least he lives for women. Charlie Merriweather, on the other hand, loves just the one woman, also called Charlie. Once a week, the two friends meet for a Chinese… 803 грн (только Украина)8Sense and Sensibility , Austen Jane (1992)
Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения.`Young women who have no economic or political power must attend to the serious business of contriving material… 263 грн (только Украина)