call to

  • 31Call-in — 〈 [kɔ:lı̣n] n.; Gen.: od. s, Pl.: s; TV〉 Sendung, während der die Zuschauer anrufen können [Etym.: <engl. call »anrufen«] …

    Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • 32call-in — n AmE a radio or television programme in which people telephone to give their opinions British Equivalent: phone in ▪ a call in talk show …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 33Call-in — [kɔ:l in] das; , s <zu engl. to call »(an)rufen«> Sendung im Rundfunk od. Fernsehen, in der die Zuhörer bzw. Zuschauer anrufen können; Anrufsendung …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 34call-up — call ,up noun count MAINLY BRITISH 1. ) a DRAFT for a military force 2. ) an invitation to someone to play in a sports team at a higher level: Wilkinson s performance earned him his call up for Saturday s game …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 35call\ on — • call (up)on v 1. To make a call upon; visit. Mr. Brown called on an old friend while he was in the city. 2. To ask for help. He called on a friend to give him money for the busfare to his home …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 36call in — (someone) to demand that someone come to do something specific. The mayor called in the police to provide extra security for the conference. I can t afford to call the plumber in every day! …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 37call on — (someone) 1. to ask someone to do something. The governor called on the public to use less water during this dry weather. The teacher called on me with a tough question, and I didn t know the answer. 2. to visit someone. Part of my job was to go… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 38call up — (something) 1. to find and bring information to a computer screen. Your computer may freeze when you try to call up the file. 2. to cause something to be remembered. The attacks called up thoughts of how Americans reacted after the bombing of… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 39call — vb *summon, summons, cite, convoke, convene, muster Analogous words: assemble, *gather, collect: *invite, bid call n *visit, visitation …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 40call-up — call′ up n. 1) mil an order to report for active military service 2) cvb a call or urging to service • Etymology: 1625–35 …

    From formal English to slang