and astringent

  • 41rhubarb — /rooh bahrb/, n. 1. any of several plants belonging to the genus Rheum, of the buckwheat family, as R. officinale, having a medicinal rhizome, and R. rhabarbarum, having edible leafstalks. 2. the rhizome of any medicinal species of this plant,… …


  • 42Pseudocydonia — Not to be confused with Carica papaya, papaya, which, like Pseudocydonia sinensis, is sometimes called mugua. Pseudocydonia Pseudocydonia sinensis Scientific classification …


  • 43tannic acid — A tannin, C76H52O46, that occurs in many plants, particularly in the bark of oaks and other members of the Fagaceae; used as a styptic and astringent, and in the treatment of diarrhea; available also as t. glycerite. Sometimes used synonymously… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 44silver nitrate — n an irritant compound AgNO3 that in contact with organic matter turns black and is used as a chemical reagent, in photography, and in medicine esp. as an antiseptic and caustic * * * a salt of silver with astringent, caustic, and disinfectant… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 45zinc stearate — n an insoluble salt usu. of commercial stearic acid and usu. containing some zinc oxide that has astringent and antiseptic properties and is used as a constituent of ointments and powders * * * [USP] a compound of zinc with a mixture of solid… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 46sage — SYN: salvia. [L. salvia, the s. plant, fr. salvus, safe] * * * Serial Analysis of Gene Expression [database]; Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use via Epidemiology [study] * * * sage sāj n a perennial mint of the genus Salvia (S.… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 47trichloroacetic acid — Used as an astringent antiseptic in 1–5% solution or as an escharotic for venereal and other warts; a widely used protein precipitant. * * * tri·chlo·ro·ace·tic acid .trī .klōr ō ə .sēt ik , .klȯr also tri·chlor·ace·tic acid .klōr ə .sēt ik n a… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 48dika bread — noun somewhat astringent paste prepared by grinding and heating seeds of the African wild mango; a staple food of some African peoples • Hypernyms: ↑food, ↑solid food • Substance Meronyms: ↑dika nut * * * noun : a somewhat acid and astringent… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 49zinc chloride — n a poisonous caustic deliquescent readily soluble salt ZnCl2 that is used as a catalyst in organic synthesis and as a disinfectant and astringent * * * [USP] a salt, ZnCl2, used as a nutritional supplement in total parenteral nutrition; also… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 50zinc carbonate — n a crystalline salt ZnCO3 having astringent and antiseptic properties * * * [USP] a zinc salt used as a topical antiseptic and astringent. It may be used in the preparation of calamine (calamine [USP] contains zinc oxide) …

    Medical dictionary