advanced in life
1Advanced Trauma Life Support — (ATLS) ist ein Ausbildungskonzept, das standardisierte diagnostische und therapeutische Handlungsabläufe in der frühen innerklinischen Erstversorgung von schwerverletzten (polytraumatisierten) Patienten im Schockraum definiert. Es wurde in den… …
2Advanced Trauma Life Support — (ATLS) is a training program for doctors in the management of acute trauma cases, developed by the American College of Surgeons. The program has been adopted worldwide in over 30 countries; its goal is to teach a simplified and standardized… …
3Advanced cardiac life support — or (ACLS) refers to a set of clinical interventions for the urgent treatment of cardiac arrest and other life threatening medical emergencies, as well as the knowledge and skills to deploy those interventions. ACLS: Principles and Practice . p. 1 …
4Advanced Cardiac Life Support — Unter Advanced Life Support (ALS) und Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) versteht man die in den Richtlinien der Fachgesellschaften European Resuscitation Council (ERC) und American Heart Association (AHA) beschriebenen erweiterten Maßnahmen im …
5advanced paediatric life-support course — an educational course to teach a structured and algorithm driven method of life support for use in severe medical emergencies in children …
6advanced paediatric life-support course — an educational course to teach a structured and algorithm driven method of life support for use in severe medical emergencies in children …
7Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support — (BATLS) is a military derivation of Advanced Trauma Life Support …
8advanced trauma life-support course — an educational course to teach the fundamentals of care for the victims of trauma …
9advanced trauma life support — see ATLS …
10advanced cardiac life support — emergency treatment and equipment used to treat a severely irregular heartbeat, ACLS (Medicine) …