The East

  • 101East Asian cinema — East Asian cinemaEast Asian cinema is a term used to refer to the film industry and films produced in and/or by natives of East Asia. It can be seen as a sub section of Asian cinema, which in turn is a sub section of world cinema, a catchall term …


  • 102East Syrian Rite — The East Syrian Rite is a Christian liturgy, also known as the Assyro Chaldean Rite,[1] Assyrian or Chaldean Rite, and the Persian Rite although it originated in Edessa, Mesopotamia. It was used historically in the Church of the East, and remains …


  • 103East Morrisania, Bronx — East Morrisania is a low income residential neighborhood geographically located in the southwest Bronx. The neighborhood is part of Bronx Community Board 3. Its boundaries, starting from the north and moving clockwise are: the Cross Bronx… …


  • 104East Bengali Refugees — are people that left East Bengal following the partition of Bengal, which was part of the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947.HistoryIn 1947, Bengal was partitioned into the Indian state of West Bengal and the Pakistani province of East… …


  • 105East — ([=e]st), n. [OE. est, east, AS. e[ a]st; akin to D. oost, oosten, OHG. [=o]stan, G. ost, osten, Icel. austr, Sw. ost, Dan. [ o]st, [ o]sten, Lith. auszra dawn, L. aurora (for ausosa), Gr. hw s, e os, a yws, Skr. ushas; cf. Skr. ush to burn, L.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 106East by north — East East ([=e]st), n. [OE. est, east, AS. e[ a]st; akin to D. oost, oosten, OHG. [=o]stan, G. ost, osten, Icel. austr, Sw. ost, Dan. [ o]st, [ o]sten, Lith. auszra dawn, L. aurora (for ausosa), Gr. hw s, e os, a yws, Skr. ushas; cf. Skr. ush to… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 107East by south — East East ([=e]st), n. [OE. est, east, AS. e[ a]st; akin to D. oost, oosten, OHG. [=o]stan, G. ost, osten, Icel. austr, Sw. ost, Dan. [ o]st, [ o]sten, Lith. auszra dawn, L. aurora (for ausosa), Gr. hw s, e os, a yws, Skr. ushas; cf. Skr. ush to… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 108East-northeast — East East ([=e]st), n. [OE. est, east, AS. e[ a]st; akin to D. oost, oosten, OHG. [=o]stan, G. ost, osten, Icel. austr, Sw. ost, Dan. [ o]st, [ o]sten, Lith. auszra dawn, L. aurora (for ausosa), Gr. hw s, e os, a yws, Skr. ushas; cf. Skr. ush to… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 109East-southeast — East East ([=e]st), n. [OE. est, east, AS. e[ a]st; akin to D. oost, oosten, OHG. [=o]stan, G. ost, osten, Icel. austr, Sw. ost, Dan. [ o]st, [ o]sten, Lith. auszra dawn, L. aurora (for ausosa), Gr. hw s, e os, a yws, Skr. ushas; cf. Skr. ush to… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 110East Coast Swing — (ECS) is a form of social partner dance that evolved from the Lindy Hop with the work of the Arthur Murray dance studios in the 1940 scite web|url=|title=Swing History origins of Swing… …
