Liberal to an extreme

  • 111Chile — Chilean, adj., n. /chil ee/; Sp. /chee le/, n. a republic in SW South America, on the Pacific Coast. 14,508,168; 286,396 sq. mi. (741,765 sq. km). Cap.: Santiago. * * * Chile Introduction Chile Background: A three year old Marxist government was… …


  • 112cañada — /keuhn yah deuh, yad euh/, n. Chiefly Western U.S. 1. a dry riverbed. 2. a small, deep canyon. [1840 50; < Sp, equiv. to cañ(a) CANE + ada n. suffix] * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural resources …


  • 113Canada — /kan euh deuh/, n. a nation in N North America: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 29,123,194; 3,690,410 sq. mi. (9,558,160 sq. km). Cap.: Ottawa. * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural&#8230; …


  • 114Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the&#8230; …


  • 115World Legislative Election Results — ▪ 1999        World Legislative Election Results The following table (World Legislative Election Results ) is a guide to the principal political parties and coalitions of the world. All countries that were independent on Dec. 31, 1998, are&#8230; …


  • 116PAYS-BAS — Deux fils conducteurs particuliers marquent l’histoire des Pays Bas. D’une part, outre les changements des frontières politiques à l’est et au sud, qui constituent toujours une bonne partie de l’histoire d’un peuple, les Pays Bas connaissent un&#8230; …

    Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 117PORTUGAL — Malgré l’absence de frontières naturelles nettement dessinées, le Portugal constitue une région dont la personnalité n’a cessé de s’affirmer au cours de l’histoire. Les limites politiques séparant le domaine linguistique du galégo portugais de&#8230; …

    Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 118ARGENTINA — ARGENTINA, South American Federal Republic, general population (2004) 39,150,000; Jewish population 190,000. This entry is arranged according to the following outline: colonial period modern period legal basis for jewish life history EARLY JEWISH …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 119Egypt — /ee jipt/, n. 1. Arab Republic of. a republic in NE Africa. 64,791,891; 386,198 sq. mi. (1,000,252 sq. km). Cap.: Cairo. Arabic, Misr. Formerly (1958 71), United Arab Republic. 2. an ancient kingdom in NE Africa: divided into the Nile Delta&#8230; …


  • 120japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,&#8230; …
