Fickle person

  • 101Philippine Islands — • An island nation in the Pacific Ocean Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Philippine Islands     Philippine Islands     † …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 102Emperor Charles V —     Emperor Charles V     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Emperor Charles V     (CHARLES I, King of SPAIN).     Born at Ghent, 1500; died at Yuste, in Spain, 1558; was a descendant of the house of Hapsburg, and to this descent owed his sovereignty over …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 103loyal — adjective a) Firm in allegiance to a person or institution. b) Faithful to a person or cause. Ant: disloyal, fickle …


  • 104List of one-time The Simpsons characters — Further information: List of characters in The Simpsons and List of recurring characters in The Simpsons The following is a list of one time characters from the American animated television comedy series The Simpsons. Some of the… …


  • 105Christianity and violence — The Crusades were a series of military campaigns fought mainly between European Christians and Muslims. Shown here is a battle scene from the First Crusade …


  • 106Acquaintances of Bree Van de Kamp — The following are fictional characters in the American television series Desperate Housewives. They are all family members and acquaintances of Bree Van de Kamp, one of the protagonists of the series. Contents 1 Immediate family 1.1 Orson Hodge 1 …


  • 107List of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance characters — The group from Path of Radiance that appeared on Nasir s ship. Distinguished from left to right: Oscar, Rolf, Boyd, Mist, Mordecai, Lethe, Titania, Zihark, Rhys, Ike, Nephenee, Soren (front), Gatrie (back), Brom, Shinon, Mia (front), Marcia… …


  • 108thumb candy — (THUM kan.dee; th as in thin) n. A computer game that s all hand eye coordination with little strategy or thought required. Also: thumb candy. Example Citation: The fiercest competition in video games isn t on the screen, it s in toy store aisles …

    New words

  • 109derelict — Synonyms and related words: Bowery bum, DP, Ishmael, abandoned, battered, beachcomber, beat up, beaten up, beggar, beggarly fellow, behindhand, blighter, broken down, budmash, bum, bummer, caitiff, careless, cast off, castaway, castoff, culpably… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 110fugitive — Synonyms and related words: DP, Judas, absconder, at large, betrayer, bolter, brief, brittle, capricious, changeable, circumforaneous, convict, corruptible, criminal, crook, deceiver, deciduous, deserter, desperado, desperate criminal,… …

    Moby Thesaurus