1Communicate International 1. Student's Book , Pickering Kate (2012)
Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such… 2157 руб2Communicate International 2. Student's Book , Kate Pickering (2012)
Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such… 2157 руб3Communicate Listening and Speaking Skills 1: Student's Book , Pickering Kate (2012)
Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such… 3197 руб4Communicate Listening and Speaking Skills 2: Student's Book , Pickering Kate (2012)
Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such… 3197 руб5Communicate 1: Listening and Speaking Skills: Teacher's Multi-ROM , Kate Pickering (2014)
Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such… 3409 руб6Communicate 2: Listening and Speaking Skills: Coursebook (+ DVD-ROM) , Kate Pickering (2012)
Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such… 2790 грн (только Украина)7Communicate 1: Listening and Speaking Skills: Coursebook (+ DVD-ROM) , Kate Pickering (2012)
Communicate is a two-book video-based communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary classes. The course covers the areas such… 2790 грн (только Украина)8Communicate 2 Student&# 039;s Book Pack , Кейт Пикеринг (2012)
Communicate - two level video-based communication course published by Spain Specially written to improve Listening and Speaking skills for English students in upper-secondary. The course covers the… 680 грн (только Украина)9Communicate 1: Listening and Speaking Skills: Coursebook , Kate Pickering (2012)
1789 руб10Communicate 1: Listening and Speaking Skills: Coursebook (+ DVD-ROM) , Kate Pickering (2012)
2809 руб