Be a fag

  • 81fag end — 1. the last part or very end of something: the fag end of a rope. 2. the unfinished end of a piece of cloth; remnant. [1605 15] * * * …


  • 82fag stag — noun A heterosexual man who socializes with homosexual men See Also: fag hag …


  • 83fag — Synonyms and related words: auntie, beast of burden, beat, bi guy, bisexual, bugger, bull dyke, burden, burn out, busy, butch, butt, carton of cigarettes, catamite, chicken, cig, cigarette, cigarette butt, cigarette case, debilitate, deck of… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 84Fag — 1. cigarette (probably from fag end last part ); 2. smoke a cigarette; 3. male homosexual (shortening of faggot ) …

    Dictionary of Australian slang

  • 85fag — n A cigarette. Give me a fag, man; I m having a nicotine fit. 1940s …

    Historical dictionary of American slang

  • 86fag-hag — n a woman who prefers the company of homosexual men. The expression became popular in the late 1960s with increased awareness of the gay commu nity among straights. The phrase quickly spread from the USA to Britain and Aus tralia. Although… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 87fag-stag — n American a heterosexual male who enjoys the company of gay males. The coinage is by analogy with the earlier fag hag …

    Contemporary slang

  • 88fag-end — see fag end …

    English dictionary

  • 89fag/faggot — gay or homosexual man    Sean is a fag; he admits it …

    English idioms

  • 90fag end — noun (C) informal 1 BrE the end of a cigarette that someone has finished smoking 2 the fag end of especially BrE the last part of something, especially when it is not as good or interesting as the rest …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English