
  • 91Gayo Servilio Estructo Ahala — (en latín Caius Servilius Axilla o C. Servilius P. f. C. n. (Structus) Axilla), tribuno consular en 419 y de nuevo en 418 a. C., en este último año fue magister equitum del dictador Publio Servilio Prisco Fidenas. Esta es la cuenta de… …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 92Потливость — Гипергидроз повышенное потоотделение; термин происходит от греч. ὑπέρ «над» и греч. ἱδρώς «пот». Содержание 1 Этиология 2 Клиническая картина …


  • 93Achsel — (Ascilla, Axilla, Ala), 1) so v.w. Schulter; 2) der Raum unter der Verbindung des Oberarms mit dem Schulterblatt. In der hier, zwischen den Ansätzen mehrerer von Brust u. Rücken zu dem Oberarm gehenden Muskeln sich bildenden Vertiefung… …

    Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • 94Axillaris — (lat.), 1) (Anat.) sich auf die Achsel (Axilla) beziehend: daher A. arterĭa (Axillararterie), A. fovĕa (Achselhöhle), A. glandŭlae, A. nervus (Axillarnerv), A. vena, s.u. Achsel; 2) (Bot.), achselständig, am Astwinkel (Axilla) stehend, daher… …

    Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • 95axillary — adj.; pl. ies [L. axilla, armpit] 1. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Pertaining to the axilla. 2. (ECHINODERMATA: Asteroidea) In an axil, applied to a single ossicle. 3. (ECHINODERMATA: Crinoidea) A brachial supporting 2 arm branches …

    Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • 96skin — skinlike, adj. /skin/, n., v., skinned, skinning, adj. n. 1. the external covering or integument of an animal body, esp. when soft and flexible. 2. such an integument stripped from the body of an animal, esp. a small animal; pelt: a beaver skin.… …


  • 97Brachial plexus — A bundle of nerves beginning in the back of the base of the neck and extending through the axilla (armpit). The brachial plexus is formed by the union of portions of the fifth through eighth cervical nerves and the first thoracic nerve from the… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 98Thermometer — A device used to measure the temperature of gaseous, liquid or solid matter or of a chemical reaction such as fire. Temperature measurement is important to a wide range of activities, including industry, scientific research, and health care. In… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 99circumaxillary — Around the axilla. SYN: periaxillary. * * * cir·cum·ax·il·lary (sur″kəm akґsĭ lar″e) surrounding the axilla …

    Medical dictionary

  • 100fossa — A depression usually more or less longitudinal in shape below the level of the surface of a part. [L. a trench or ditch] acetabular f. [TA] a depressed area in the floor of the acetabulum superior to the …

    Medical dictionary