Antifebrile medicine
1antifebrile — SYN: antipyretic (1). [anti + L. febris, fever] * * * an·ti·feb·rile (an″te ) (an″ti febґril) antipyretic (def. 1) …
2antifebrile — 1. adjective Countering fever. Syn: antifever 2. noun A medicine or substance that counters fever …
3Antipyretic — Something that reduces fever or quells it. There are 3 classes of antipyretic medications that are sold OTC (over the counter) without prescription: {{}}Salicylates aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), choline salicylate (Arthropan), magnesium… …
4febrifuge — n. Antifebrile medicine …
5Remedy — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Remedy >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 remedy remedy help redress Sgm: N 1 anthelmintic anthelmintic Sgm: N 1 antidote antidote antifebrile antipoison counterpoison antitoxin antispasmodic …
6febrifuge — /ˈfɛbrəfjudʒ/ (say februhfyoohj) adjective 1. serving to dispel or reduce fever, as a medicine; antifebrile. –noun 2. a febrifuge medicine or agent. 3. a cooling drink. {French, from Latin febrifugia, from febri febri + fugia fuge} …
7Febrifuge — Feb ri*fuge, n. [L. febris fever + fugare to put to flight, from fugere to flee: cf. F. f[ e]brifuge. see {Febrile}, {Feverfew}.] (Med.) A medicine serving to mitigate or remove fever. a. Antifebrile. [1913 Webster] …