
{{11}}blunt (adj.) c.1200, "dull, obtuse," perhaps from or related to O.N. blundra (see BLUNDER (Cf. blunder)). Of tools or weapons, late 14c. Meaning "abrupt of speech or manner" is from 1580s.
{{12}}blunt (n.) street slang for "marijuana and tobacco cigar" (easier to pass around, easier to disguise, and the stimulant in the tobacco enhances the high from the pot) surfaced c.1993, but is said to have originated among Jamaicans in New York City in the early 1980s; from Phillies Blunt brand cigars; see BLUNT (Cf. blunt) (adj.), which has been used of certain cigars since 19c.
Users say that the Phillies Blunt brand produces less harsh-tasting or sweeter smoke. The leaf wrapper of a Phillies Blunt is strong enough to hold together through the manipulations of making a blunt. Other brands fall apart. []
{{12}}blunt (v.) late 14c., from BLUNT (Cf. blunt) (adj.). Related: Blunted; blunting.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Blunt — (bl[u^]nt), a. [Cf. Prov. G. bludde a dull or blunt knife, Dan. blunde to sleep, Sw. & Icel. blunda; or perh. akin to E. blind.] 1. Having a thick edge or point, as an instrument; dull; not sharp. [1913 Webster] The murderous knife was dull and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • BLUNT (A.) — Anthony BLUNT 1907 1983 L’historien de l’art Anthony Blunt est décédé à Londres le 26 mars 1983. Renommé parmi ses pairs, universitaires et conservateurs, ce grand savant devint la proie d’un scandale retentissant lorsque, le 15 novembre 1979, à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • blunt´ly — blunt «bluhnt», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. without a sharp edge or point: »He sharpened the blunt knife. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under dull. (Cf. ↑dull) 2. Figurative. saying what one thinks very frankly, without trying to be tactful; outspoken; …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Blunt — Blunt, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Blunted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Blunting}.] 1. To dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker; to make blunt. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To repress or weaken, as any appetite, desire, or power of the mind; to impair the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blunt — [blunt] adj. [ME < ?] 1. slow to perceive, feel, or understand; dull 2. having a dull edge or point; not sharp 3. plain spoken and abrupt vt. 1. to make (an edge or point) dull 2. to make dull or insensitive …   English World dictionary

  • Blunt —   [blʌnt],    1) Anthony Frederick, britischer Kunsthistoriker, * Bournemouth 26. 9. 1907, ✝ London 26. 3. 1983; Professor an der Londoner Universität und Direktor des Courtauld Institute ebenda (1947 74), später außerdem Professor in Oxford und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Blunt — Blunt, SD U.S. city in South Dakota Population (2000): 370 Housing Units (2000): 178 Land area (2000): 0.491587 sq. miles (1.273204 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.491587 sq. miles (1.273204 sq …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Blunt, SD — U.S. city in South Dakota Population (2000): 370 Housing Units (2000): 178 Land area (2000): 0.491587 sq. miles (1.273204 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.491587 sq. miles (1.273204 sq. km) FIPS …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • blunt — [adj1] not sharp dull, dulled, edgeless, insensitive, obtuse, pointless, round, rounded, unsharpened; concepts 485,486 Ant. needled, pointed, sharp blunt [adj2] straightforward abrupt, bluff, brief, brusque, candid, crusty, curt, discourteous,… …   New thesaurus

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