zoot suit

zoot suit
zoot suit (n.) 1942, American English slang, the first element probably a nonsense reduplication of suit (Cf. reet pleat, drape shape from the same jargon).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Zoot Suit — bezeichnet einen modischen Kleidungsstil in den 1930ern und 1940ern in Amerika, siehe Zoot Suit (Stil) die Zoot Suit Riots, eine nach diesem Stil benannte Serie von Unruhen in Los Angeles im Jahre 1943 Zoot Suit (Musical), ein Broadway… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • zoot-suit|er — «ZOOT SOO tuhr», noun. 1. a man wearing a zoot suit. 2. Figurative. a person who tries to dress fashionably, especially in cheap clothes …   Useful english dictionary

  • zoot suit — [ˈzu:t su:t, sju:t US su:t] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: zoot probably from suit] a suit that consists of wide trousers and a ↑jacket with wide shoulders, worn especially in the 1940s and 1950s …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • zoot suit — zoot′ suit [[t]zut[/t]] n. clo a man s suit with baggy, tight cuffed trousers and an oversized jacket with broad padded shoulders and wide lapels • Etymology: 1940–45, amer.; rhyming compound based on suit …   From formal English to slang

  • zoot suit — [ zut ,sut ] noun count a suit worn in the 1940s that had a long jacket with big shoulders and pants that were loose at the top and narrow at the bottom …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • zoot suit — ☆ zoot suit [zo͞ot ] n. [redupl.] a man s suit of a former, exaggerated style, with high waisted, baggy trousers narrowing at the cuffs and a long, draped coat …   English World dictionary

  • Zoot suit — A Zoot suit (also spelled Zuit Suit) is a suit with high waisted, wide legged, tight cuffed ged trousers and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. This style of clothing was popularized by African Americans, Italian Americans,… …   Wikipedia

  • Zoot suit — Le Zoot suit est une tenue (suit) et par extension une subculture apparue entre les années 1930 et 1940. On appelle un membre de cette subculture un zoot suiter ou encore par raccourci un zooter. Sommaire 1 Tenue 1.1 Le costume masculin 1.2 Les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Zoot suit — Un soldado inspeccionando a unos zoot suits en Washington D. C. en 1942. El Zoot Suit es un estilo de vestir y fue una moda en la década de los años 40. Este estilo se hizo popular, al igual que la palabra, por jóvenes mexicanos estadounidenses y …   Wikipedia Español

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