- taut
- taut early 14c., tohte, possibly from tog-, pp. stem of O.E. teon "to pull, drag," from P.Gmc. *tugn, from PIE *deuk- "to lead" (see DUKE (Cf. duke) (n.)).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Tauţ — Commune … Wikipedia
TAUT (B.) — TAUT BRUNO (1880 1938) C’est le Pavillon du verre à l’exposition du Deutscher Werkbund (Cologne, 1914) qui rendit Bruno Taut célèbre. Cet édifice polygonal semble entièrement fait de verre (ce que permet sa très petite taille); les murs épais et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
taut — [to:t US to:t] adj [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: Perhaps from tough] 1.) stretched tight ≠ ↑slack ▪ The rope was stretched taut. 2.) showing signs of worry, anger etc and not relaxed = ↑tense ▪ a taut smile ▪ Catherine looked upset, her face taut … Dictionary of contemporary English
taut — [ tɔt ] adjective 1. ) firm or stretched tight: Check that the rope is taut before climbing. taut muscles/legs 2. ) used about something such as a voice or expression that shows someone is nervous or angry: a taut reply ╾ taut|ly adverb ╾… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Taut — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Bruno Taut (1880–1938), deutscher Architekt Max Taut (1884–1967), deutscher Architekt Taut ist der Name folgender Orte: Tăut, Dorf im Kreis Bihor (Rumänien) Siehe auch Taute Thaut … Deutsch Wikipedia
taut — taut·en; taut; taut·ly; taut·ness; … English syllables
Taut — Taut, a. [Dan. t[ae]t; akin to E. tight. See {Tight}.] 1. (Naut.) Tight; stretched; not slack; said esp. of a rope that is tightly strained. [1913 Webster] 2. Snug; close; firm; secure. [1913 Webster] {Taut hand} (Naut.), a sailor s term for an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
taut — [tôt] adj. [ME toght, tight, firm, prob. < pp. of togen (< OE togian), to pull, TOW1] 1. tightly stretched: said as of a rope 2. showing strain; tense [a taut smile] 3. tidy, well disciplined, efficient, etc. [a taut ship] SYN. TIGHT … English World dictionary
taut|en — «T tuhn», transitive verb. to make taut; tighten. –v.i. to become taut … Useful english dictionary
Taut — Taut, 1) Bruno, Architekt, * Königsberg (heute Kaliningrad) 4. 5. 1880, ✝ Ankara 24. 12. 1938, Bruder von 2); studierte bei T. Fischer in München, lebte ab 1908 in Berlin, Organisator der Gläsernen Kette, Mitglied der Novembergruppe und des… … Universal-Lexikon
taut... — taut..., Taut... vgl. ↑tauto..., Tauto … Das große Fremdwörterbuch