Prussia — • The Kingdom of Prussia covers 134,616 square miles and includes about 64.8 per cent of the area of the German Empire. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Prussia Prussia … Catholic encyclopedia
PRUSSIA — (Ger. Preussen), former dukedom and kingdom, the nucleus and dominant part of modern united germany (1870). The name came to signify a conglomerate of territories whose core was the electorate of brandenburg , ruled by the Hohenzollern dynast… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Prussia — steht für Altertumsgesellschaft Prussia, ostpreußischer Geschichtsverein Prussia Sammlung, archäologische Sammlung zur Vor und Frühgeschichte Ostpreußens Prussia Museum, Königsberg (Preußen), vorgeschichtliche Abteilung der Prussia Gesellschaft… … Deutsch Wikipedia
PRUSSIA — sive BORUSSIA, regio ampla Germaniae: Poloniae Baudrand. cum titulo Ducatus ac fertilissima. Nomen eius a Bructeris populis derivatum creditur, voce nonnihil corruptâ ac fractâ: Bructeri enim ex Westphalia a Chama vis et Angrivariis eiecti,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Prussia — (neulat.), so v.w. Preußen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Prussĭa — (neulat.), Preußen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Prussia — Prussĭa, neulat. Name für Preußen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Prussia — [prush′ə] 1. historical region of N Germany, on the Baltic 2. former kingdom in N Europe (1701 1871) & the dominant state of the German Empire (1871 1919): formally dissolved in 1947 … English World dictionary
Prussia — /prush euh/, n. a former state in N Europe: became a military power in the 18th century and in 1871 led the formation of the German empire; formally abolished as an administrative unit in 1947. German, Preussen. Cf. East Prussia, West Prussia. *… … Universalium
Prussia — Germany s most important Land, Prussia dominated German poli tics from 1871 until Hitler* seized power. Inclusive of Germany north of Thu ringia,* Bavaria,* Hesse, Württemberg, Baden, and the Land of Saxony* (excepting Mecklenburg, Oldenburg,… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik