
Ottoman 1580s, from Fr. Ottoman, from It. Ottomano, from Arabic 'Uthmani "of or belonging to Arabic masc. proper name 'Uthman," which in Turkish is pronounced Othman (see OSMANLI (Cf. Osmanli)), name of the founder of the dynasty and empire. Ending altered in Italian by formation of a new false singular, because -i was a plural inflection in Italian. Byron used the more correct form Othman, and a few writers have followed him. The type of couch so called (1806) because one reclined on it, which was associated with Eastern customs (see COUCH (Cf. couch)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • ottoman — ottoman, ane [ ɔtɔmɑ̃, an ] adj. et n. • 1624; de Othman, fondateur d une dynastie qui régna sur la Turquie I ♦ Adj. Qui a rapport à la dynastie d Othman. ♢ Par ext. Anciennt Turc. L Empire ottoman : l empire turc (de 1299 à 1918). Armée ottomane …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ottoman — may refer to: the Ottoman Empire, a Turkish state in existence from 1299 to 1923 Ottoman Turks, the Turkic ethnic group that originally comprised the Ottoman Empire the Ottoman Dynasty, the governing family of the Ottoman Empire the Ottoman… …   Wikipedia

  • Ottoman — Ot to*man, a. [F. ottoman: cf. It. ottomano, ottomanno; from Othoman, Othman, or Osman, the name of a sultan who assumed the government of Turkey about the year 1300. Cf. {Osmanli}, {Ottoman} a stuffed seat.] Of or pertaining to the Turks; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ottoman — ► ADJECTIVE historical 1) relating to the Turkish dynasty of Osman I (Othman I), founded in c.1300. 2) relating to the Ottoman Empire ruled by the successors of Osman I. 3) Turkish. ► NOUN (pl. Ottomans) ▪ a Turk, especially of the Ottoman period …   English terms dictionary

  • Ottoman — Ot to*man, n.; pl. {Ottomans}. 1. A Turk. [1913 Webster] 2. [F. ottomane, from ottoman Turkish.] A stuffed seat without a back, originally used in Turkey. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ottoman — Ottoman,   Herrschername, Nebenform zu Osman. * * * Ot|to|man, der; s, e [frz. ottoman, eigtl. = osmanisch, türkisch, zu arab. utmān = Osmane] (Textilind.): Gewebe mit breiten, ausgeprägten Rippen, das bes. als Dekorationsstoff verwendet wird …   Universal-Lexikon

  • ottoman — ottoman, ane (o tto man, ma n ) adj. Se dit des Turcs et spécialement de leurs sultans. •   De l honneur ottoman ses successeurs jaloux Ont daigné rarement prendre le nom d époux, RAC. Bajaz. II, 1. •   Soliman.... Nul n éleva si haut la grandeur …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Ottoman — [ät′ə mən] adj. [Fr < It Ottomano < ML Ottomanus < Ar ʼ uthmānī, adj. form of ʼ uthmān, OSMAN] 1. Turkish 2. of the Ottoman Empire n. pl. Ottomans 1. a Turk belonging to the tribe or family of Osman; Othman 2 …   English World dictionary

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