
plus 1570s, the oral rendering of the arithmetical sign +, from L. plus "more" (comparative of multus "much"), altered by influence of minus from *pleos, from PIE *ple- "full" (see POLY- (Cf. poly-)). Placed after a whole number to indicate "and a little more," it is attested from 1902. As a conjunction, "and," it is American English colloquial, attested from 1968. Plus fours (1921) were four inches longer in the leg than standard knickerbockers, to produce an overhang, originally a style assoc. with golfers. The plus sign itself has been well-known since at least late 15c. and is perhaps an abbreviation of L. et (see ET CETERA (Cf. et cetera)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • plus — [ plys ] adv. • 980; mot lat. « une grande quantité » ♦ Mot servant de comparatif à beaucoup et entrant dans la formation des comparatifs de supériorité et dans celle du superlatif relatif de supériorité. I ♦ (Compar.; cf. aussi III) A ♦… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • plus — /plus/, prep. 1. more by the addition of; increased by: ten plus two is twelve. 2. with the addition of; with: He had wealth plus fame. adj. 3. involving or noting addition. 4. positive: a plus quantity. 5. more (by a certain amount). 6. Elect.… …   Universalium

  • Plus — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Plus» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Plus (desambiguación). Plus es una banda argentina de rock pesado que comenzó a tocar en 1975 y debutó discográficamente en 1976 con No pisar el infinito . Contenido …   Wikipedia Español

  • Plus — may refer to:* Plus sign, a mathematical sign * PLUS, a banking network * PLUS Markets, a small stock exchange in London, UK * North South Expressway, Malaysia ( ms. Projek Lebuhraya Utara Selatan) **PLUS Expressway Berhad, concessionaire of the… …   Wikipedia

  • PLUS — (также известный как Visa PLUS)  это межбанковская сеть, охватывающая дебетные, кредитные и предоплаченные карты VISA, а также банковские карты, выданные различными банками по всему миру. В настоящий момент, во всем мире существует более… …   Википедия

  • PLUS FC — Voller Name PLUS Football Club Ort Kuala Lumpur Gegründet …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Plus — steht für: Pluszeichen, das grafische Symbol „+“ das Symbol für die Addition das Symbol von Zahlen größer Null, siehe positive und negative Zahlen positive physikalische Messwerte, siehe Nullpunkt die internationale Verkehrsausscheidungsziffer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Plus TV — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Plus TV Eslogan Es más Tipo Canal de cable Programación Variada Operado por Media Networks País …   Wikipedia Español

  • Plus 8 — (also spelled as Plus8, without the space) is a Canadian techno record label, based in Windsor, Ontario and founded in 1990 by DJs Richie Hawtin and John Acquaviva. Initial releases were by the pair themselves and their friends using aliases such …   Wikipedia

  • Plus — Plus, a. [L., more; akin to Gr. ?, ?, and E. full. See {Full}, a., and cf. {Pi[ u]}, {Pleonasm}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Math.) More, required to be added; positive, as distinguished from negative; opposed to {minus}. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, in a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plus D — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Plus D o +D fue una interfaz de disquete e impresora de puerto paralelo para el ordenador doméstico Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16, 48, 128 y +2 (el de carcasa gris). Se desarrolló como sucesor del DISCiPLE, primer… …   Wikipedia Español

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