
Narragansett 1622, from southern New England Algonquian Naiaganset " (people) of the small point of land," containing nai- "a point or angle." Originally in reference to the native people, later to the place in Rhode Island.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Narragansett — /nar euh gan sit/, n., pl. Narragansetts, (esp. collectively) Narragansett. 1. a member of a North American Indian tribe of the Algonquian family formerly located in Rhode Island but now almost extinct. 2. an Algonquian language, the language of… …   Universalium

  • Narragansett — also Narraganset noun (plural sett or setts; also set or sets) Etymology: modification of Narragansett Nahicans, Nayohygunsic, locale on Narragansett Bay Date: 1622 1. a member of an American Indian people of Rhode Island 2. the Algonquian… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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