
{{11}}nose (n.) O.E. nosu, from P.Gmc. *nusus (Cf. O.N. nös, O.Fris. nose, Du. neus, O.H.G. nasa, Ger. Nase), from PIE *nas- "nose" (Cf. Skt. nasa, O.Pers. naham, O.C.S. nasu, Lith. nosis, L. nasus "nose"). Used of any prominent or projecting part from 1530s. (nose cone in the space rocket sense is from 1949). Used to indicate "something obvious" from 1590s. Meaning "odor, scent" is from 1894.
Kiv, It could bee no other then his owne manne, that had thrust his nose so farre out of ioynte. ["Barnabe Riche His Farewell to Military Profession," 1581]
Pay through the nose (1670s) seems to suggest "bleed." Many extended meanings are from the horse-racing sense of "length of a horse's nose," as a measure of distance between two finishers (1908). To turn up one's nose "show disdain" is from 1818 (earlier hold up one's nose, 1570s); similar notion in look down one's nose (1921). To say something is under (one's) nose "in plain view" is from 1540s.
{{12}}nose (v.) "perceive the smell of," 1570s; "pry, search," 1640s, from NOSE (Cf. nose) (n.). Related: Nosed; nosing.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • nose — [nōz] n. [ME < OE nosu, akin to Ger nase, orig. a dual, meaning “the two nostrils” < IE base * nas , nostril > Sans nāsā, the nose, lit., pair of nostrils, L nasus, nose & naris (pl. nares), nostril] 1. the part of the human face between …   English World dictionary

  • Nose — (n[=o]z), n. [AS. nosu; akin to D. neus, G. nase, OHG. nasa, Icel. n[ o]s, Sw. n[ a]sa, Dan. n[ a]se, Lith. nosis, Russ. nos , L. nasus, nares, Skr. n[=a]s[=a], n[=a]s. [root]261. Cf. {Nasal}, {Nasturtium}, {Naze}, {Nostril}, {Nozzle}.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nose — ► NOUN 1) the facial part projecting above the mouth, containing the nostrils and used in breathing and smelling. 2) the front end of an aircraft, car, or other vehicle. 3) the sense of smell. 4) an instinctive talent for detecting something. 5)… …   English terms dictionary

  • Nose — Nose, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Nosed} (n[=o]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Nosing}.] 1. To smell; to scent; hence, to track, or trace out. [1913 Webster] 2. To touch with the nose; to push the nose into or against; hence, to interfere with; to treat… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Nose — Nose, v. i. To push or move with the nose or front forward. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] A train of cable cars came nosing along. Hamlin Garland. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nose — (n[=o]z), v. i. 1. To smell; to sniff; to scent. Audubon. [1913 Webster] 2. To pry officiously into what does not concern one; to {nose around}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nose\ in — • nose in(to) I. informal Prying or pestering interest in; unwelcome interest in; impolite curiosity. He always had his nose in other people s business. Contrast: nose out of II. v To move in close; move slowly in with the front first. The ship… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Nose — [nouz] die; , s [ nouziz] <aus engl. nose »Nase«> vorderes, nach oben gebogenes Ende des ↑Snowboards …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • nose — [n] smelling organ of animate being adenoids, beak*, bill*, horn*, muzzle*, nares, nostrils, olfactory nerves, proboscis, schnoz*, smeller*, sneezer*, sniffer*, snoot*, snout*, snuffer*, whiffer*; concepts 392,601 nose [v] detect, search… …   New thesaurus

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