
Lupercalia Roman festival held Feb. 15, in honor of Lupercus, god (identified with Lycean Pan) who had a grotto at the foot of the Palatine Hill, from L. Lupercalia (pl.), from Lupercalis "pertaining to Lupercus," whose name derives from lupus "wolf" (see WOLF (Cf. wolf) (n.)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Lupercalia — [lo͞o′pərkal΄lo͞o΄pər kā′lē ə] n. pl. Lupercalias or Lupercalia [L < Lupercalis, of Lupercus < Lupercus < lupus, a wolf: orig. meaning obscure] [occas. with pl. v.] an ancient Roman festival with fertility rites, held Feb. 15 in honor of …   English World dictionary

  • Lupercalia — Lu per*ca li*a, n. pl. [L. luperealis, fr. Lupercus the Lycean Pan, so called fr. lupus a wolf, because he kept off the wolves.] (Rom. Antiq.) A feast of the Romans in honor of Lupercus, or Pan. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lupercalĭa — (Lykäa), römisches Fest, am 15. Februar zu Ehren des Lupercus, welcher als Beschützer der Heerden gegen die Wölfe verehrt u. mit Faunus u. dem Lykäischen Pan identificirt wurde, zur Sühnung der Heerden u. Hirten gefeiert. Beim Lupercal, dem… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Lupercalia — For the saint by the name Lupercus , see Marcellus of Tangier. Infobox Holiday holiday name = Lupercalia type = Pagan longtype = Pagan, Historical caption = observedby = Roman, Pre Roman Civilizations date = February 13 ndash; February 15… …   Wikipedia

  • Lupercalia — /looh peuhr kay lee euh, kayl yeuh/, n., pl. Lupercalia, Lupercalias. a festival held in ancient Rome on the 15th of February to promote fertility and ward off disasters. * * * Ancient Roman festival held each February 15. Its origins are… …   Universalium

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  • Lupercalia — noun Etymology: Latin, plural, from Lupercus, god of flocks Date: circa 1580 an ancient Roman festival celebrated February 15 to ensure fertility for the people, fields, and flocks • Lupercalian adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Lupercalia — Die Lupercalien (auch Luperkalien) waren das Hauptfest des italischen Herdengottes Faunus, der den Beinamen Lupercus (lateinisch: „Wolfsabwehrer“) führte und am Palatin in Rom eine heilige Grotte (Lupercal) hatte, wo sein mit einem Ziegenfell… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lupercalia — Lupercales Dans la Rome antique, les Lupercales sont des fêtes annuelles célébrées à Rome par les luperques du 13 au 15 février, près d une grotte nommée le Lupercal (située au pied du mont Palatin et probablement découverte en novembre 2007), en …   Wikipédia en Français

  • LUPERCALIA —    a Roman festival held on Feb. 15 in honour of Lupercus, regarded as the god of fertility, in the celebration of which dogs and goats were sacrificed and their skins cut up into thongs, with which the priests ran through the city striking every …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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