- long
- {{11}}long (adj.) "that extends considerably from end to end," O.E. lang "long," from P.Gmc. *langgaz (Cf. O.Fris., O.S. lang, O.H.G., Ger. lang, O.N. langr, M.Du. lanc, Du. lang, Goth. laggs "long"), perhaps from PIE *dlonghos- (Cf. L. longus, O.Pers. darga-, Pers. dirang, Skt. dirghah, Gk. dolikhos "long," Gk. endelekhes "perpetual," L. indulgere "to indulge"), from root *del- "long." The adverb is from O.E. lange, longe, from the adjective; to be not long for this world "soon to die" is from 1714. The word illustrates the O.E. tendency for short "a" to become short "o" before -n- (also retained in bond/band and W. Midlands dialectal lond from land and hond from hand).Long vowels (c.1000) originally were pronounced for an extended time. Sporting long ball is from 1744, originally in cricket. Long jump as a sporting event is attested from 1864. No longer “not as formerly” is from c.1300. A ship's long-boat so called from 1510s. Long knives, name N.Amer. Indians gave to white settlers (originally in Virginia/Kentucky) is from 1774. Long in the tooth (1841 of persons) is from horses showing age by recession of gums. Long time no see, imitative of Amer.Indian speech, is first recorded 1900. To be long on something, "have a lot" of it, is from 1900, Amer.Eng. slang.{{12}}long (v.) O.E. langian "to yearn after, grieve for," lit. "to grow long, lengthen," from P.Gmc. *langojanan (see LONG (Cf. long) (adj.)). Cognate with O.N. langa, O.S. langon, M.Du. langhen, O.H.G. langen "to long," Ger. verlangen "to desire." Related: Longed; LONGING (Cf. longing).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.