
kipper (n.) O.E. cypera "male salmon," perhaps related to coper "reddish-brown metal" (see COPPER (Cf. copper)), on resemblance of color. Another theory connects it to kip, name for the sharp, hooked lower jaw of the male salmon in breeding season, from M.E. kippen "to snatch, tug, pull." The modern word usually refers to kippered herring, from a verb meaning "to cure a fish by cleaning, salting, and spicing it" (early 14c.). The theory is that this originally was done to salmon, hence the name.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • KIPPER — (Heb. כִּפֵּר). Etymology The customary rendering of kipper is to atone for, or expiate but in most cases this is, at best, imprecise. In poetry its parallel synonym is maḥah ( to wipe away ; Jer. 18:23), or hesir ( to remove ; Isa. 27:9, cf. the …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Kipper [2] — Kipper (Bd. 5, S. 480). Um Schüttgüter (Kohle, Koks, Erz, Sand, Asche u.s.w.) aus Verkehrsmitteln der verschiedensten Art zu entladen, haben sich Kipper vorzüglich bewährt; vgl. a. Selbstentlader, Wipper und [1]. Grundsätze für die Wahl zwischen… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

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  • kipper — [ kipɶr ] n. m. • 1888; mot angl., d ab. « saumon mâle » en a. angl.; o. i. ♦ Hareng ouvert, fumé et salé. ● kipper nom masculin (anglais kipper) Hareng ouvert, légèrement salé et fumé. ⇒KIPPER, subst. masc. Hareng ouvert, légèrement salé et fumé …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kipper — und Wipper. – Eiselein, 376; Braun, I, 1849; Dähnert, 228b. Kipper und Wipper hiessen in der schlimmsten Zeit der Münzwirren im 17. Jahrhundert die Falschmünzer; von dem niederdeutschen Worte kippen, d.h. sowol auf der Goldwage betrügerisch… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Kipper — Kip per, n. [D. kippen to hatch, snatch, seize. Cf. {Kipe}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A salmon after spawning. [1913 Webster] 2. A salmon split open, salted, and dried or smoked; so called because salmon after spawning were usually so cured, not being good… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Kipper — Kipper, s. Keuper …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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