hapax legomenon

hapax legomenon
hapax legomenon (pl. legomena), "word occurring only once," Greek, lit. "once said," from hapax "once" + legomenon, neuter passive prp. of legein "to say."

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Hapax legomenon — Hapax Un hapax (le h est muet) ou apax désigne généralement un mot qui n a qu une seule occurrence dans la littérature. Le terme hapax est un néologisme dû à John Trapp en 1654 (Annotations upon the Old and New Testament), créé à partir du grec… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • hapax legomenon — [hā′paks΄ li gäm′ə nän΄] n. pl. hapax legomena [hā′paks΄ li gäm′ənä΄, hā′paks΄ li gäm′ənə] [Gr, (something) said only once] a word or phrase occurring only once in a text or other written record …   English World dictionary

  • Hapax legomĕnon — (H. eiremēnon, gr.), ein nur an einer einzigen Stelle vorkommendes Wort …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Hapax legomenon — Hapax legomĕnon (grch., »nur einmal Gesagtes«), ein Wort, das (bes. bei den alten Klassikern) nur einmal vorkommt …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Hapax legomenon — Rank frequency plot for words in the novel Moby Dick. About 44% of the distinct set of words in this novel, such as matrimonial , occur only once, and so are hapax legomena (red). About 17%, such as dexterity , are dis legomena (blue). Zipf s law …   Wikipedia

  • Hapax legomenon — Mit Hapax legomenon (Plural: Hapax legomena, von altgr. ἅπαξ hápax „einmal, einmalig“; λεγόμενον legómenon „das Gesagte“, eigentlich Präsens, also „das gesagt werdende“) wird ein Wort bezeichnet, das nur an einer einzigen Stelle in einem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hapax legomenon — noun /ˌhæpæks lɛˈɡɒmɛnɒn/ A word occurring only once in a given corpus. There is a lovely technical term for a word that appears once in a body of text: a hapax legomenon (plural: hapax legomena), Greek for “once said.” The term comes from… …   Wiktionary

  • hapax legomenon — /hap aks li gom euh non , hay paks/, pl. hapax legomena /hap aks li gom euh neuh, hay paks/. a word or phrase that appears only once in a manuscript, document, or particular area of literature. [1880 85; < Gk hápax legómenon (thing) once said] *… …   Universalium

  • hapax legomenon — hap•ax le•go•me•non [[t]ˈhæp æks lɪˈgɒm əˌnɒn, ˈheɪ pæks[/t]] n. pl. hapax le•go•me•na [[t]lɪˈgɒm ə nə[/t]] lit. a word or phrase that appears only once in a text, the works of an author, or the written record of a language • Etymology: 1880–85;… …   From formal English to slang

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