
consul late 14c., "magistrate in ancient Rome," from O.Fr. consule and directly from L. consul "magistrate in ancient Rome," probably originally "one who consults the Senate," from consulere "to deliberate, take counsel" (see CONSULTATION (Cf. consultation)). Modern sense began with use as appellation of various foreign officials and magistrates, "a representative chosen by a community of merchants living in a foreign country; an agent appointed by a government or ruler to represent the interests of its subjects and traders in a foreign place" (c.1600), an extended sense that developed 13c. in the Spanish form of the word.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • consul — [ kɔ̃syl ] n. m. • v. 1370; concile 1213; mot lat. 1 ♦ Antiq. rom. L un des deux magistrats qui exerçaient l autorité suprême, sous la République. 2 ♦ Hist. Au Moyen Âge, Magistrat municipal du midi de la France. Consuls de Toulouse. ⇒ capitoul.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • consul — CÓNSUL, consuli, s.m. 1. (În republica romană) Titlul celor trei magistraţi, aleşi anual, care deţineau puterea supremă; persoană purtând acest titlu. 2. Persoană numită de un stat în funcţia de şef al unei reprezentanţe oficiale cu rang de… …   Dicționar Român

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  • consul — Consul. s. m. L un des deux Magistrats souverains qui gouvernoient la Republique Romaine, & dont l authorité ne duroit qu un an. Créer, faire, eslire des Consuls. continuer un Consul. il a esté trois fois Consul. il estoit Consul pour la… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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