
chorus 1560s, from L. chorus "a dance in a circle, the persons singing and dancing, the chorus of a tragedy," from Gk. khoros "band of dancers or singers, dance, dancing ground," perhaps from PIE *gher- "to grasp, enclose," if the original sense of the Greek word is "enclosed dancing floor." Extension from dance to voice is because Attic drama arose from tales inserted in the intervals of the dance. In Attic tragedy, the khoros (of 15 or 24 persons) gave expression, between the acts, to the moral and religious sentiments evoked by the actions of the play.
When a Poet wished to bring out a piece, he asked a Chorus from the Archon, and the expenses, being great, were defrayed by some rich citizen (the khoregos): it was furnished by the Tribe and trained originally by the Poet himself" [Liddell & Scott]
Originally in English used in theatrical sense; meaning of "a choir" first attested 1650s. Meaning "the refrain of a song" (which the audience joins in singing) is 1590s. Chorus girl is 1894.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • chorus — [ kɔrys ] n. m. • XVe; mot lat. « chœur » 1 ♦ Vx Reprise en chœur. ♢ Clameur d ensemble. ⇒ chœur, concert. « un chorus universel de haine et de proscription » (Beaumarchais). ♢ Mod. Loc. FAIRE CHORUS : se joindre à d autres pour dire comme eux;… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Chorus — Cho rus, n.; pl. {Choruses}. [L., a dance in a ring, a dance accompanied with song; a chorus, a band of dancers and singers. Gr. ?. See {Choir}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Antiq.) A band of singers and dancers. [1913 Webster] The Grecian tragedy was at… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • chorus — [kôr′əs] n. [L, a dance, band of dancers or singers < Gr choros] 1. in ancient Greek drama, and drama like it, a company of performers whose singing, dancing, and narration provide explanation and elaboration of the main action 2. in… …   English World dictionary

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  • Chorus — Cho rus, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Chorused}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Chorusing}.] To sing in chorus; to exclaim simultaneously. W. D. Howells. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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