
{{11}}blast (n.) O.E. blæst "blowing, breeze, puff of wind," from P.Gmc. *bles- (Cf. O.N. blastr, O.H.G. blast "a blowing, blast," Ger. blasen, Goth. blesan "to blow"), from PIE *bhle- "to blow," probably a variant of root *bhel- (2) "to blow, inflate, swell" (see BOLE (Cf. bole)). Meaning "explosion" is from 1630s; that of "noisy party, good time" is from 1953, Amer.Eng. slang. Sense of "strong current of air for iron-smelting" (1690s) led to blast furnace and transferred sense in full blast "the extreme" (1839). Blast was the usual word for "a smoke of tobacco" c.1600.
{{12}}blast (v.) O.E. blæstan "to blow, belch forth," from the root of BLAST (Cf. blast) (n.). Since 16c., often "to breathe on balefully." Meaning "to blow up by explosion" is from 1758. Related: Blasted; blasting. Blast off (n.) is attested from 1950.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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