
bid (v.) probably a merger of two old words: The sense in bid farewell is from O.E. biddan "to ask, entreat, pray, beseech; order; beg" (class V strong verb, past tense bæd, past participle beden), from P.Gmc. *bidjan "to pray, entreat" (Cf. Ger. bitten "to ask," attested from 8c.), which, according to Kluge and Watkins is from a PIE root *gwhedh- "to ask, pray" (see BEAD (Cf. bead) (n.)).
To bid at an auction, meanwhile, is from O.E. beodan "offer, proclaim" (class II strong verb; p.t. bead, p.p. boden), from P.Gmc. *biudanan "to stretch out, reach out, offer, present," (Cf. Ger. bieten "to offer"), from PIE root *bh(e)udh- "to be aware, make aware" (Cf. Skt. bodhati "is awake, is watchful, observes," buddhah "awakened, enlightened;" O.C.S. bljudo "to observe;" Lith. budeti "to be awake;" O.Ir. buide "contentment, thanks"). As a noun, 1788, from the verb.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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