
{{11}}beard (n.) O.E. beard "beard," from W.Gmc. *barthaz (Cf. O.Fris. berd, M.Du. baert, O.H.G. bart, Ger. bart), seemingly from PIE *bhardh-a- "beard" (Cf. O.C.S. brada, Lith. barzda, and perhaps L. barba "beard"). Pubic hair sense is from 1600s (but Cf. neþir berd "pubic hair," late 14c.); in the 1811 "Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," the phrase beard-splitter is defined as, "A man much given to wenching" (see BEAVER (Cf. beaver)).
The Greek and Roman Churches have long disputed about the beard. While the Romanists have at different times practised shaving, the Greeks, on the contrary, have sternuously defended the cause of long beards. Leo III. (795 AD) was the first shaved Pope. Pope Gregory IV., after the lapse of only 30 years, fulminated a Bull against bearded priests. In the 12th century the prescription of the beard was extended to the laity. Pope Honorius III. to disguise his disfigured lip, allowed his beard to grow. Henry I. of England was so much moved by a sermon directed against his beard that he resigned it to the barber. Frederick Barbarossa is said to have been equally tractable. [Tom Robinson, M.D., "Beards," "St. James's Magazine," 1881]
{{12}}beard (v.) c.1300, "to grow or have a beard," from BEARD (Cf. beard) (n.). The sense of "confront boldly and directly" is from M.E. phrases such as rennen in berd "oppose openly" (c.1200), reproven in the berd "to rebuke directly and personally" (c.1400), on the same notion as modern slang get in (someone's) face.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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