
{{11}}base (adj.) late 14c., "low, of little height," from O.Fr. bas "low, lowly, mean," from L.L. bassus "thick, stumpy, low" (used only as a cognomen in classical Latin, humilis being there the usual word for "low in stature or position"), possibly from Oscan, or Celtic, or related to Gk. basson, comparative of bathys "deep." Figurative sense of "low in the moral scale" is first attested 1530s in English, earlier "servile" (1520s). Base metals (c.1600) were worthless in contrast to noble or precious metals.
{{12}}base (n.) "bottom, foundation, pedestal," early 14c., from O.Fr. bas "depth" (12c.), from L. basis "foundation," from Gk. basis "step, pedestal," from bainein "to step" (see COME (Cf. come)). The military sense is from 1860. The chemical sense (1810) was introduced in French 1754 by French chemist Guillaume-François Rouelle (1703-1770). Sporting sense of "starting point" ia from 1690s, also "destination of a runner" (1812). As a "safe" spot in a tag-like game, suggested from mid-15c. (as the name of the game later called prisoner's base).
{{12}}base (v.) "to place on a foundation," 1841, from BASE (Cf. base) (n.). Related: Based; basing.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • base — [ baz ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. basis, mot gr. « marche, point d appui » I ♦ A ♦ 1 ♦ Partie inférieure d un corps sur laquelle il porte, il repose. ⇒ appui (point d appui), assiette, assise, 1. dessous, fond, fondement, pied. La base de l édifice… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • base — base1 [bās] n. [ME < OFr bas < L basis,BASIS] 1. the thing or part on which something rests; lowest part or bottom; foundation 2. the fundamental or main part, as of a plan, organization, system, theory, etc. 3. the principal or essential… …   English World dictionary

  • Base — (b[=a]s), a. [OE. bass, F. bas, low, fr. LL. bassus thick, fat, short, humble; cf. L. Bassus, a proper name, and W. bas shallow. Cf. {Bass} a part in music.] 1. Of little, or less than the usual, height; of low growth; as, base shrubs. [Archaic]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base — or BASE may refer to:A base is a mixture of urine n waste so do not eat it* Base meaning bottom, the lowest part of an object* can mean negative, unfavorable or undesirable in nature. Bad; vile; malicious; evil.In mathematics: *Base (mathematics) …   Wikipedia

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  • base — (Del lat. basis, y este del gr. βάσις). 1. f. Fundamento o apoyo principal de algo. 2. Conjunto de personas representadas por un mandatario, delegado o portavoz suyo. U. m. en pl.) 3. Lugar donde se concentra personal y equipo, para, partiendo de …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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