
barbecue (n.) 1650s, "framework for grilling meat, fish, etc.," from Amer.Sp. barbacoa, from Arawakan (Haiti) barbakoa "framework of sticks," the raised wooden structure the Indians used to either sleep on or cure meat. Sense of "outdoor meal of roasted meat or fish as a social entertainment" is from 1733; modern popular noun sense of "grill for cooking over an open fire" is from 1931. As a verb from 1660s. Related: Barbecued; barbecuing.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • barbecue — [ barbəkju; barbəky ] n. m. • 1938; mot angl. (1697); de l esp. barbacoa, mot haïtien→ barbaque 1 ♦ Brasero à charbon de bois, pour faire des grillades en plein air. Griller un poisson au barbecue. 2 ♦ Repas en plein air où l on se sert d un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Barbecue — Sn Grillfest, Bratrost per. Wortschatz fremd. Erkennbar fremd (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. barbecue, dieses aus span. barbacoa, barbacuá f. im Erdloch zubereiteter Braten , ursprünglich: Lager aus Weiden oder Lianengeflecht , das auf… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • barbecue — [bär′bə kyo͞o΄] n. [AmSp barbacoa < Taino, lit., framework of sticks] 1. Obs. a raised framework for smoking, drying, or broiling meat 2. a hog, steer, etc. broiled or roasted whole over an open fire, sometimes in an open pit 3. a) any meat… …   English World dictionary

  • Barbecue — Bar be*cue (b[aum] b[ e]*k[=u]), n. [In the language of the (Arawak or Taino) Indians of Guiana, barbacoa a frame on which all kinds of flesh and fish are roasted or smoke dried.] 1. a framework of metal or brick, usually with a grill on top, in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • barbecue — s.n. Cuvânt de origine americană care denumeşte 1. frigarea sau grătarul, 2. animalele întregi sau bucăţile de carne fripte la frigare sau grătar, 3. serbarea câmpenească la care se practică acest obicei. Trimis de gal, 26.04.2005. Sursa: DGE … …   Dicționar Român

  • barbecue — [n1] meal cooked on grill bake, clam bake, cookout, party, picnic, wienie roast; concept 459 barbecue [n2] grill for cookout broiler, charcoal grill, fireplace, gas grill, griddle, pit of coals, roaster, spit; concept 493 barbecue [v] cook… …   New thesaurus

  • barbecue — ► NOUN 1) an outdoor meal or party at which food is grilled on a rack over a charcoal fire. 2) a grill used at a barbecue. ► VERB (barbecues, barbecued, barbecuing) ▪ cook (food) on a barbecue. ORIGIN originally in the sense «wooden fra …   English terms dictionary

  • Barbecue — Bar be*cue, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Barbecued}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Barbecuing}.] 1. To dry or cure by exposure on a frame or gridiron. [1913 Webster] They use little or no salt, but barbecue their game and fish in the smoke. Stedman. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • barbecue — / ba:bikju:/, it. /barbe kju/ s. ingl. [dall ispanoamer. barbacoa, da una voce indigena haitiana], usato in ital. al masch., invar. 1. [fornello fisso o portatile con griglia a carbone o a legna, usato per arrostire cibi all aperto] ▶◀ ‖ gratella …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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