
{{11}}warm (adj.) O.E. wearm, from P.Gmc. *warmaz (Cf. O.S., O.Fris., M.Du., O.H.G., Ger. warm, O.N. varmr, Goth. warmjan "to warm"), from PIE *gwher- (Cf. Skt. gharmah "heat;" O.Pers. Garmapada-, name of the fourth month, corresponding to June/July, from garma- "heat;" Arm. jerm "warm;" Gk. thermos "warm;" L. formus "warm," fornax "oven;" O.Ir. fogeir "heated;" Hitt. war- "to burn"). The root also may be connected to that of O.C.S. goriti "to burn," varu "heat," variti "to cook, boil;" and Lith. verdu "to seethe." The distinction, based on degree of heat, between "warm" and "hot" is general in Balto-Slavic and Germanic, but in other languages one word often covers both (Cf. L. calidus, Gk. thermos, Fr. chaud, Sp. caliente). In reference to feelings, etc., attested from late 15c. Sense in guessing games first recorded 1860, from earlier hunting use in reference to scent or trail (1713). Warm-blooded in reference to mammals is recorded from 1793. Warm-hearted first recorded c.1500.
{{12}}warm (v.) O.E. wyrman "make warm" and wearmian "become warm;" from the root of WARM (Cf. warm) (adj.). Phrase warm the bench is sports jargon first recorded 1907. Warm up (v.) "exercise before an activity" is attested from 1868. In ref. to appliances, motors, etc., attested from 1947. Noun phrase warm-up "act or practice of warming up" is recorded from 1915.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Warm — is normally used as a subjective measure of temperature, commonly used to describe a comfortable temperature. It is strongly associated with hot, and its antonym is cool. For the AM radio station, see WARM AM.For example, warm water is often… …   Wikipedia

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