
{{11}}tick (n.1) parasitic blood-sucking arachnid animal, O.E. ticia, from W.Gmc. *tik- (Cf. M.Du. teke, Du. teek, O.H.G. zecho, Ger. Zecke "tick"), of unknown origin. Fr. tique (mid-15c.), It. zecca are Germanic loan-words.
{{12}}tick (n.2) mid-15c., "light touch or tap," probably from TICK (Cf. tick) (v.) and cognate with Du. tik, M.H.G. zic, and perhaps echoic. Meaning "sound made by a clock" is probably first recorded 1540s; tick-tock is recorded from 1848.
{{12}}tick (n.3) "credit," 1640s, shortening of TICKET (Cf. ticket) (n.).
{{13}}tick (v.) early 13c., "to touch or pat," perhaps from an Old English verb corresponding to TICK (Cf. tick) (n.2), and perhaps ultimately echoic. Cf. O.H.G. zeckon "to pluck," Du. tikken "to pat," Norw. tikke "touch lightly." Related: Ticked; ticking.
To tick (someone) off is from 1915, originally "to reprimand, scold." The verbal phrase tick off was in use in several senses at the time: as what a telegraph instrument does when it types out a message (1873), as what a clock does in marking the passage of time (1846), to enumerate on one's fingers (1899), and in accountancy, etc., "make a mark beside an item on a sheet with a pencil, etc.," often indicating a sale (by 1881). This might be the direct source of the phrase, perhaps via WWI military bureaucratic sense of being marked off from a list as "dismissed" or "ineligible." Meaning "to annoy" is recorded from 1975.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • tick — tick1 [tik] n. [ME tek, prob. < Gmc echoic base > Du tikk, MHG zicken, to tick] 1. a light touch; pat 2. a light clicking or tapping sound, as that made by the escapement of a watch or clock 3. a mark (✓, /, etc.) made to check off items;… …   English World dictionary

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  • Tick — Tick, n. 1. A quick, audible beat, as of a clock. [1913 Webster] 2. Any small mark intended to direct attention to something, or to serve as a check. Dickens. [1913 Webster] 3. (Zo[ o]l.) The whinchat; so called from its note. [Prov. Eng.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tick — Tick, v. t. To check off by means of a tick or any small mark; to score. [1913 Webster] When I had got all my responsibilities down upon my list, I compared each with the bill and ticked it off. Dickens. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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