
{{11}}tack (n.1) "clasp, hook, fastener," also "a nail of some kind," late 13c., from O.N.Fr. taque "nail, pin, peg," probably from a Germanic source (Cf. M.Du. tacke "twig, spike," Low Ger. takk "tine, pointed thing," Ger. Zacken "sharp point, tooth, prong"); perhaps related to TAIL (Cf. tail). Meaning "small, sharp nail with a flat head" is attested from mid-15c. The meaning "rope to hold the corner of a sail in place" is first recorded late 14c.
{{12}}tack (n.2) "horse's harness, etc.," 1924, shortening of TACKLE (Cf. tackle) (n.) in sense of "equipment." Tack in a non-equestrian sense as a shortening of tackle is recorded in dialect from 1777.
{{12}}tack (n.3) "food," 1833, perhaps a shortening and special use of TACKLE (Cf. tackle) (n.) in the sense of "gear."
{{13}}tack (v.1) late 14c., "to attach with a nail, etc.," from TACK (Cf. tack) (n.1). Meaning "to attach as a supplement" (with suggestion of hasty or arbitrary proceeding) is from 1680s. Related: Tacked; tacking.
{{14}}tack (v.2) "sail into the wind," 1550s, from TACK (Cf. tack) (n.1) in the sailing sense. Figurative sense of "course or line of conduct or action" is from 1670s. Related: Tacked; tacking.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Tack — Tack, n. [OE. tak, takke, a fastening; akin to D. tak a branch, twig, G. zacke a twig, prong, spike, Dan. takke a tack, spike; cf. also Sw. tagg prickle, point, Icel. t[=a]g a willow twig, Ir. taca a peg, nail, fastening, Gael. tacaid, Armor. &… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tack — may refer to:* Tack , a type of cut nail, used in upholstery, shoe making and saddle manufacture * Horse tack, harness and equipment to allow horse back riding * Tack (sewing) (also baste or pin ), quick, temporary stitching intended to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Tack — ist der Name von Alfred Tack (1898–1970), deutscher Politiker (SPD) Anita Tack (* 1951), deutsche Politikerin (Die Linke) Conrad Tack (1844 1919), Unternehmer und Mitbegründer Conrad Tack u. Cie Fritz Tack (* 1942), deutscher Politiker (Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tack — Tack, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tacked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Tacking}.] [Cf. OD. tacken to touch, take, seize, fix, akin to E. take. See {Tack} a small nail.] 1. To fasten or attach. In hopes of getting some commendam tacked to their sees. Swift. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tack — vt: to combine (a use, possession, or period of time) with that of another esp. in order to satisfy the statutory time period for acquiring title to or a prescriptive easement in the property of a third party successive adverse users in privity… …   Law dictionary

  • tack|y — tack|y1 «TAK ee», adjective, tack|i|er, tack|i|est. very sticky or gummy; adhesive: »A tacky disk surface permits changing the abrasives (Science News Letter). ╂[< …   Useful english dictionary

  • tack — Ⅰ. tack [1] ► NOUN 1) a small, sharp broad headed nail. 2) N. Amer. a drawing pin. 3) a long stitch used to fasten fabrics together temporarily. 4) a course of action. 5) Sailing an act of tacking. 6) …   English terms dictionary

  • Tack — Tack, v. i. (Naut.) To change the direction of a vessel by shifting the position of the helm and sails; also (as said of a vessel), to have her direction changed through the shifting of the helm and sails. See {Tack}, v. t., 4. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tack — [tak] n. [ME takke < MDu tacke, twig, point, akin to Ger zacke < ? IE base * dek , to tear > TAIL1] 1. a short nail or pin, with a narrow shaft that is not tapered and a relatively large, flat head 2. a) the act of fastening, esp. in a… …   English World dictionary

  • Tack — Tack, n. [From an old or dialectal form of F. tache. See {Techy}.] 1. A stain; a tache. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. [Cf. L. tactus.] A peculiar flavor or taint; as, a musty tack. [Obs. or Colloq.] Drayton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tack — [n1] course of movement aim, alteration, approach, bearing, bend, deflection, deviation, digression, direction, double, echelon, heading, line, method, oblique course, path, plan, point of sail, procedure, set, shift, siding, sidling, sweep,… …   New thesaurus

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