
stoic (n.) late 14c., "philosopher of the school founded by Zeno," from L. stoicus, from Gk. stoikos "pertaining to a member of or the teachings of the school founded by Zeno (c.334-c.262 B.C.E.), characterized by austere ethical doctrines," lit. "pertaining to a portico," from stoa "porch," specifically Stoa Poikile "the Painted Porch," the great hall in Athens (decorated with frescoes depicting the Battle of Marathon) where Zeno taught (see STOA (Cf. stoa)). Meaning "person who represses feelings or endures patiently" first recorded 1570s. The adj. is recorded from 1590s in the "repressing feelings" sense, c.1600 in the philosophical sense.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • STOIC — (Stack Oriented Interactive Compiler) was a variant of Forth.It started out at the MIT and Harvard Biomedical Engineering Centre in Boston, (part of the Health, Science and Technology Division) and was written in February 1977 by Jonathan Sachs.… …   Wikipedia

  • stoic — STÓIC, Ă, stoici, ce, adj., s.m. şi f. I. adj. 1. Care aparţine stoicismului (1), privitor la stoicism. 2. Ferm, curajos, neclintit (în faţa vicisitudinilor vieţii). II. s.m. şi f. 1. Adept al stoicismului (1). 2. Om ferm, curajos, neclintit,… …   Dicționar Român

  • stoic — stoic, stoical As an adjective, stoic is normally used attributively (i.e. before a noun, as in stoic virtues and stoic indifference), and preserves a more direct reference to the philosophy of the ancient Stoics from whom the word is derived. In …   Modern English usage

  • stoic — ► NOUN 1) a stoical person. 2) (Stoic) a member of the ancient philosophical school of Stoicism. ► ADJECTIVE 1) stoical. 2) (Stoic) relating to the Stoics or Stoicism. ORIGIN G …   English terms dictionary

  • Stoic — Sto ic, n. [L. stoicus, Gr. ?, fr. ?, adj., literally, of or pertaining to a colonnade, from ? a roofed colonnade, a porch, especially, a porch in Athens where Zeno and his successors taught.] 1. A disciple of the philosopher Zeno; one of a Greek …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stoic — Sto ic, Stoical Sto ic*al, a. [L. stoicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. sto[ i]que. See {Stoic}, n.] 1. Of or pertaining to the Stoics; resembling the Stoics or their doctrines. [1913 Webster] 2. Not affected by passion; manifesting indifference to pleasure or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stoic — index patient, resigned, spartan, unaffected (uninfluenced) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • stoic — *impassive, phlegmatic, apathetic, stolid Analogous words: detached, aloof, *indifferent, unconcerned: imperturbable, composed, collected, *cool: unassailable, indomitable (see INVINCIBLE): patient, long suffering, resigned (see corresponding… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stoic — / stoical [adj] philosophic, calm aloof, apathetic, cool, cool as cucumber*, detached, dispassionate, dry, enduring, impassive, imperturbable, indifferent, indomitable, longsuffering, matter of fact, patient, phlegmatic, resigned, rolling with… …   New thesaurus

  • Stoic — [stō′ik] n. [ME Stoycis (pl.) < L stoicus < Gr stōikos < stoa, porch, colonnade (see STOA): because Zeno taught under a colonnade at Athens] 1. a member of a Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno about 308 B.C., holding that all… …   English World dictionary

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